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That's how I picture Ambrosia Belmont, but with green eyes^^

Closing the door behind her gently, she sank down with her back against the white door. Her legs hurt from walking so much, but she was so happy that it didn't matter. The pain she felt was numbed with every kiss Zayn planted on her lips- which, full disclosure, were 5 according to her count. She left the teddy bear Zayn won her in the foyer before going to the kitchen for water.

"Honey, how was it?" Miriam's voice rang from her bedroom upstairs. Ambrosia walks up the stairs and into the second bedroom where her mother was rewatching today's dance practice through her camera.

"Amazing. We went to Luna park and went on so many rollercoasters then ate at The Deck. It was so cool momma- a restaurant on a Ferris wheel."

"Oh, you must be exhausted."

"Very, but I'm also very happy. Thank you for letting me go."

"Of course. You're such a good girl that I have no reason not to trust you. Have you taken your medication?"

"Not yet, I'll go take them right now. Goodnight momma, I love you." Ambrosia says, hugging her mother tightly before prancing towards her bedroom excitedly. She falls on her bed, completely forgetting about her medication as exhaustion took over and she fell asleep.


A cold wind woke up Ambrosia. Groggily, the blonde opened her eyes to face a clock that read 6:07 AM. "Ugh," she groaned before walking to her bathroom. She took off the uncomfortable clothes from last night, a ruffled white mini skirt and lilac croptop. She brushes her teeth and showers before changing into shorts and a tank top and plopping onto her bed.

With confusion written all over her face, she crawls to the end of her bed where the big teddy bear Zayn won was. She could not remember bringing the bear upstairs with her. Panic struck but she slowly convinced herself that Miriam brought it up. Ambrosia picked it up and hugged it, loving how soft the fabric felt against her skin.

All her fears were confirmed when she opened her eyes and saw that a heart shaped note was on the edge of her bed, where her teddy bear was before she took it.

So you see I'm not a monster, I let you have fun on your first date. Next time I won't be so kind, Ambrosia. I've never shared nor do I want to start.. especially not with you, my angel baby. Consider this a warning.

Ambrosia ran to the window, slamming it shut and locking it. No longer did the youngest Belmont feel comfortable. The way she squirmed and screamed into her pillow was as if spiders crawled all over her. What had actually put their nasty fingers all over her was worse- it was a stalker.

Problem #1: No matter how many times she raked her head, eager for answers, she couldn't find any. She had absolutely no idea who was following her. Daphne said Phil was behind bars, and no one else had a motive or tendency to follow her.

Another problem: she began to like Australia and she knew the moment her mother finds out is the same moment they're packing their bags and moving. Just like last time.

The last problem: according to the note, this stalker would be violent if she didn't comply. But she couldn't bring herself to ghost Zayn. Zayn was the first boy she really liked since him- and it didn't help her growing crush that he liked her too.

So, she decided not to tell anyone. Naively, Ambrosia decided she would show this fucker who's really in charge.

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