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Inquisitive green eyes followed several ballerinas as they danced beautifully to the sound of music. Ambrosia sat on a beanbag, stretching out her arms to copy her colleagues movements. Her emerald eyes took in every leap, twist and turn in pure agony. More than anything, she wishes she could be up there dancing.

"And one two three one two three.." The dance instructor guided, dancing along with them. A ping came from Ambrosia's pink cellphone, causing her eyes to glance over and see a text. She ignored it until class was over at 7. Her teammates said their goodbyes, leaving the studio to herself. Scrolling through her notifications, she reads:

Niall Horan
Holy shit you're like Gordon Ramsey or that rat from ratatouille. If you pack extra cookies tomorrow, I'll pick you up to  go to and from school.

She smiles and types: they call me lil remy :) pick me up at 7:30 tomorrow at the Spring Hollows Park.

Seconds after she put her phone down and began stretching, her phone dinged again. Thinking it's Niall again, she smiles bright. The grin melted to a grim facial expression while reading:

Unknown Number
Who's got you smiling so much this late? I came her to watch you dance, not flirt with some teenage dirtbag.

Quickly, she stands up and slams the door shut before locking it. She walks towards the window, looking around from the second floor. She saw various people coming in and out of the gym, none of them suspiciously lurking around or staring back up at her.

She grabs her phone and runs down the hallway, forgetting her gym bag and backpack in the process. She bursts into her mother's office, horrified to see that Miriam was not there. All her things were gone and the lights were closed. She peeks outside the window, looking for her mother's car to no avail. Grabbing a book, she slams it against the wall before frantically picking it up and whipping her phone out of her pocket.

She called Harry twice, each going into voicemail. "Fuck fuck fuck!" She screams, remembering he had lacrosse until 9 tonight.

Unknown Number
Baby girl don't be like that. The one thing I love more than your splits and tricks is your smile.

In a fit of absolute rage and fear, she kicks down the mannequins with costumes on them. Picking them up and placing them where they were, she inhales deeply. Think think think, she  demands while brushing her hair back with shaking fingers.

She runs to the kitchen, grabbing two knives before walking back towards her classroom to get her backpack. She goes into the elevator and walks out into the lobby- ready to stab anyone who appeared before her.

But no one did. With two kitchen knives in her pockets, she walks out of the dance studio, locks it with keys then hops towards the main street that would lead her home. It would take longer, granted, than cutting through the woods beside Miriam's School of Dance but she'd rather walk 20 minutes on Main Street, surrounded by cars, than 9 minutes alone through the woods.

Her phone dings various times throughout her walk. She did not take it out until she got home.

Three missed calls from Momma

Five new text messages, 1 new Snapchat friend request

Niall Horan
Sounds good 🤠

Added you on snap by phone #, hope that's not weird

Unknown Number
Followed you all the way home to make sure you made it okay.

I know why you were scared  walking alone. So many sickos out there..

Goodnight beautiful. And until I can kiss you in person- xoxo

Her scream was faintly heard by the nearest neighbor, who rushed from their end of the street to hers in panic. Louis Tomlinson rang the doorbell twice before walking towards the back of her house, entering her porch and knocking on the glass door that led to her kitchen. She sat there, hands covering her face as she cried and ignored everything and everyone.

He knocked again, louder this time, which scared her. She stood up quickly, heart beating fast as she saw the boy before her. She'd seen him before, running around the neighborhood. Ambrosia wiped away her tears, opening up her window slightly to speak to her neighbor.

"How may I help you?" She asked, wiping away her tears with her sleeves.

"Heard a scream and ran over here to see you crying.. you alright?" He asked, hopping off the porch and walking towards the window.

"I'm doing spectacular, just allergies.. Thanks. You can go home now." She responded, keeping her eyes low.

"Okay but if you ever need anything, I'm right down the street." He says just as her phone rings. Ambrosia thanks him and says goodbye again before grabbing her phone and clicking the green icon. She focused on Louis' retreating figure as he walked down the light post lined sidewalk. 

"Hey, mom...No, don't worry I'm fine I just got my period and ran to the store then home. I locked the gym doors and am already cooking dinner... See you later?" Listened her self proclaimed follower from the slightly opened window, elated by the fact she was alone.

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