"Sam never shuts up about you, you're exactly who I pictured!"

And just like that, Charlotte had the reins and was steering the conversation. Sam drew her knees up to her chest as she tried to draw facts from the reserved responses from ever-private Ada. Sam amused herself wondering who would win control of the direction; where Ada excels in nudging people to talk about themselves, Charlotte succeeds at asking probing, driving questions. Each put up excellent airs, but Ada won out. Sam was sure as soon as Charlotte began talking about her birds. Ada sat back with a little grin and closed off herself once more. Sam knew she wouldn't be learning anything else about her new friend today. There was an air of victory about her as she nudged the conversation forward. Charlotte was gone, talking about Muffin and Scone, her conures.

Though she tried to stay focused on the conversation she was barely a part of, she found herself studying Ada's profile from time to time, mind wandering lightly. Once or twice Charlotte shot her a glance. Not accusatory, or jealous, but the kind that says "I see you." Sam pulled a face and tried to focus on something else.

The moment couldn't go on forever, as much as Sam wanted it to. At eleven she followed Ada to the narrow entrance and hovered as she laced up her boots and tugged a hat on. What should she say? She started to panic when Ada straightened from her laces.

"Thanks for coming over," Sam murmured, so as not to be overheard. She was rewarded with a warm smile.

"Thanks for having me. You should come over to my place next time; you like cats, right?"

"Of course! I'd love to."

Sam was so stoked by the suggestion that she didn't notice right away Ada approaching until she held her arms out a little, nimble fingers clutching the cuffs of her coat. There was a tentative smile on her lips. Of course, Sam was sure the offer meant more to herself than to Ada, so she tried not to let herself feel too attached as she stepped into Ada's embrace, arms loose around her shoulders, fingertips tingling against the material of her ski jacket. Ada's fists loosened over her spine until finally she relaxed her hands. The warmth of her palms seeped through her cotton tee.

Far too soon they stepped apart and said a quick goodbye. As she trotted down the steps, Sam shut the door and leaned against it, letting her consciousness delve into the fresh memory of Ada's embrace.

"Did you kiss?" called Charlotte from the living room, and Sam scowled around the door frame.

"No," she snapped, irritated both by her audacity and by how badly she wanted to have done. She returned to her newly emptied seat. "Do you like her?"

"Yeah, she seems cool. Do you?"

Sam stammered for a few seconds before Charlotte burst out laughing.

"I'll take that as a yes. Does she like you?"

This she was able to answer. "I don't know."

"Is she gay?"

"I haven't asked!" Sam snapped. "It's not like we go around introducing ourselves that way. 'Hi, I'm Sam, a lesbian, what about yourself?'"

Charlotte rolled her eyes behind her outrageous lashes. "Maybe you should, it would save you a lot of time and pining."

Sam flushed, but Charlotte had a point. Still, she couldn't see herself just outright asking like that. What if Ada took it poorly? Ruining a friendship over a crush was something she wouldn't be doing again. She valued Ada's friendship too much to risk it. It looked like pining was in her future.

"Don't you have work today?"

"Nice subject change. Yes, but not for another couple hours. I took the morning off for an appointment."

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