Paws & Claws

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Ada was still asleep, snoring lightly when Sam returned from showering and brushing her teeth. It was just after eight, giving her just under an hour to get ready to leave. Well, she didn't like the sound of that, nor the strange churning in her belly.

Sam couldn't tell if she was hungry or nauseated. Hoping for the former, she started to make breakfast—bacon, eggs, and toast—only to dry heave into the garbage pail when the aromas began to waft. So, she called in sick, then continued making breakfast for Ada. She appeared not long after, radiant and lovely in the kitchen doorway, eyes still heavy with sleep. Sam hadn't heard her approach on the plush carpet in her bare feet. She had a towel around her hair and lovely dewy, pinkened cheeks.

"Good morning." Sam was just scooping food out onto a plate. "Sorry for passing out last night. Here."

"For me? Where's yours?"

"I'm not hungry yet."

"Well, thank you." Ada joined Sam at the table and began to doctor her coffee. "I hope you don't mind that I slept over. Buses are pretty unreliable that late."

"Of course not." Sam grinned into her coffee and took a sip—she wasn't abut to tell her just yet how pleased she was. "Do you need to leave soon?"

Ada set her mug down and checked her watched, then said, "Not until eleven, unless you want me to go sooner."

Sam shook her head. "Just wondering. Work?"

"Yeah. Don't you have work today?"

"I called in sick."

She frowned, food forgotten momentarily. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I'll be all right, I'm just a little off this morning. Nothing serious."

Indeed, the nausea was ebbing and hunger growing, but she didn't want to risk eating just yet. Coffee would have to suffice. She sipped at it as they kept up a light conversation, the whole of which she found herself drifting out of focus, her attention called away by something or someone she couldn't see or hear.

A puff of apples and vanilla slapped Sam into reality. Ada had let her hair down and was fluffing it upside down, flax and chalk rainbows swirling together. Sam took a slow, deep breath, savouring the way the fragrances mingled with Ada's own natural scent. She longed to reach out and touch it, to see if it was as soft as it appeared. Instead, she rose and brought Ada's plate to the sink and went to scavenge something palatable for herself.

By ten they were sprawled on the couch, feet mingling on the centre cushion as they chatted, when someone knocked at the door. Sam peeled herself off the couch with reluctance. Who could be bothering them unannounced? She was ready to jump down the throat of whomever dared, but found herself grinning when she opened the door.

Charlotte was swimming in a faux monster fur jacket about three sizes too big for her frame. Her ripped leggings were completely out of place for the weather, but at least she had a scarf and gloves on. Her mass of curls was secured in her signature lime-green scrunchy.

"What do you think?" she asked, arms wide in a t-pose. "I saw it while thrift shopping yesterday and couldn't leave it behind."

"Very you." Sam gave her an appreciative smile and stepped back to let her in. "Ada's here. This is Charlotte, my best friend."

Ada perked up from her phone as they rounded the doorway and she offered them a small smile and a wave. Charlotte was shrugging out of her jacket, but paused for a split second before turning her goofy smile on maximum. Ever the charmer, she strolled right over and took Sam's abandoned seat as she gushed charisma. Sam was left with the armchair, adjacent to Ada.

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