"Why?" Ava asks breathlessly, why does she get to choose. Isn't it clear she didn't want to live?

"Why not?" Death shoots back quickly, causing Ava to shrug. 

"No one wants me, they would all be happier if I weren't here," Ava argued, the feelings she felt before the suicide crashing into her like a tsunami. The girls all told her how much they would sing songs of joy to know Ava had killed her self. Her mother was disappointed that Ava was having a hard time keeping her grades up; her father always scolded her about her attitude, and her brother constantly wished he was an only child. All of them would be happier without her. 

"I know your argument on dying Ava, but let me tell you my argument on staying alive," Ava's eyes widen though it made sense, of course, Death would know why people would commit suicide. 

Ava sighs but nods willing to hear Death's side, how selfish would it be to pass it up anyway, this chance could go to anyone, but it's going to her. 

"Let me tell you first what will happen in the morning if you decide to take your last breath tonight," Death explains, and Ava's eyebrows push together, she never thought of the morning after, just the night of. 

"A gorgeous sunrise will start the deceiving morning; your mother will watch it rise as she breathes in. She feels it will be a good morning. She starts pancakes for you and your brother, she sneaks in chocolate chips into the batter, she knows it's your favorite, and your mother knows sometimes she is too hard on you. She kisses your father goodbye as he rushes to work. She calls for you and your brother, your brother comes down, you do not." Death states knowingly as they look down at Ava, they then look into the closet where Ava was previously hanging. 

"Your mother will send your little brother to wake you up. He finds you hanging and immediately calls for her, he doesn't quite understand, but he knows it isn't good. Your mother will find you, and she will scream. She will try and pick you up and remove the noose, she will call 911 and will try to revive you but, we will have already left, the pancakes will burn, and the cat won't get feed because it's your job to feed her in the morning." Death looks from the closet as the air tenses at their words, though their voice is soft, the words are devastating. "Your father will show up to the hospital in anger; grief likes to dress up that way sometimes." 

Death turns and looks at the computer screen that is brightly showing the taunting words of the girls. "The girls will cry and tell everyone how much they miss you."

"Bullshit," Ava cries slightly and shakes her head. 

Death nods her head. "Guilt has a funny way of dressing up as well." Death shrugs their shoulders at the bitter truth as they look back at the comments from the girls. They look back at Ava. "Let me tell you what comes later," Ava doesn't say anything, but she slightly nods her head.

"Won't they be okay later?" Ava asks hopefully, and Death chuckles at the naive girl. 

"Your father will never step foot into this room again; he will cry every night in the shower and wonder how to carry on without his little girl." Death runs their hand on the bedsheets. "Your mother will lay in your bed; she will reach for you as if maybe you will come back to her. She will cry her apologies to an empty room. She will randomly whisper your name throughout the years. She won't be able to smell chocolate chip pancakes without breaking down. Your brother will get into drugs at the age of fifteen; he won't live past twenty-five. Your parents will divorce after that and never speak again." 

Death looks at Ava, "That is only a small fraction on why you shouldn't kill yourself, others are smaller, like concerts and puppies that won't get rescued because you're not there. Books you've never read and movies you've never seen. Places you've never been." Death states as they study Ava's face. Ava sighs at Death words and nods. 

"This sadness is temporary Ava; death is permanent." Death states, Ava nods her head as she stands.

"Okay, okay, I will stay." Death smiles at Ava's words though Ava doesn't see it.  

"Good, one day when I come back for you, I want you to tell me about all of it, tell me about life," Ava smiles at the irony of Death's words but nods. 

With that Death takes out her scythe and taps the ground, Ava goes back to standing on the chair with a noose loosely around her neck and the full moon shining on her brightly. Ava looks around almost in a daze, she then takes the knot and unties it and puts the rope on the ground, reminding herself to put it back in her fathers camping bag tomorrow. She then climbs into bed, and Death watches her fall asleep. 

Hours later, a gorgeous sunrise wakes her mother, who watches it with blissful optimism; she watches it for a moment before going into the kitchen and preparing chocolate chip pancakes.  


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