Home Sweet Home

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Jacks Pov.

We all ran back to the lodging house. I looked around for Chris but I couldn’t find her. 

“Hey hey! Where’s Chris? Or Crutchie?”

Race and Mush came running up the stairs out of breathe.

“Jack! Crutchie got dragged off!”

Mush shouted.

“Theys takin him to the refuge Jack”

Race finished.

“And Chris?”

I stormed up to them. Please don’t say what I think you’ll say.

“She tried to help him. They dragged her off too, sorry Jack”

Race answered. Everyone looked remorseful. I banged the bedpost in anger. How could I let this happen to her? I ran my hand through my hair, trying to calm down. 

“I’m gettin em out tonight. Both of em”

Everyone nodded. 

We waited around all day until it was dark. I left for the Refuge, Davey meeting me on the way.

“So here it is, the Refuge. My home sweet home”

I dryly chuckled, remembering being stuck in this hell hole.

“How can you be sure they sent them here?”

Davey questioned.

“How can I be sure the Delancys stink?”

I retorted. 

“The more kids in the refuge, the more money the city sends to take care of em, the more Snider hides in his pocket. They’s here alright”

I finished. Davey nodded as we climbed up to the roof. I tied the rope around me so I wouldn’t fall when Davey lowered me to the window. 

“That’s it. Gently Dave, gently. That’s good… that’s good!”

I knocked on the window as Tenpin ran up and opened it.

“Cowboy, ya miss the joint?”

The kid asked. 

“Wadda ya say Tenpin? You seen my sista?”

“Zippa? Yeah she’s here. Guess Snider didn’t recognize her” 

“Ya thank God eh? Hey listen ya gotta a new kid, Crutchie, can ya get him?”

“The gimp? Yeah I’ll get em”

Tenpin ran over to Crutchie and Chris.

Chris’s Pov.

Tenpin came up to Crutchie and I.

“Hey guys, look”

He pointed at the window, and there stood or… more or less hung my brother. 

“Heya kids”

Oh yeah! Crutchie is actually younger then you think. He’s 15, like me. I smiled and helped Crutchie walk over to the window. The Delancys busted him up almost as bad as they did me. He was having even more trouble walking.

“I don’t believe it”

Crutchie smiled.

“Hey Crutchie”

Jack smiled.

“Hey, wadda ya hangin aroun here for?”

Crutchie joked with a smile. That was one thing I loved about Crutchie, he could always find something to smile about. Jack and I chuckled.

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