Meeting Brooklyn's King

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Chris’s Pov.
Once we reached the Brooklyn docks Jack put me down and held my hand as we walked. A bunch of shirtless boys were all swimming around in the river. A big guy stood in front of us blocking the way.

“Goin somewhere Kelly?”

My brother just shoved past him. I heard people whistling at me. I rolled my eyes shoving a boy who was staring at me into the river. The Brooklyn boys laughed as I took a bow and caught up with my brother. We reached the end of the docks where there was a large pile of crates.

“Well if it ain’t Jack be nimble Jack me quick”

A voice called.

“See you moved up in the world Spot. Got a riva view an all”

My brother called back. A boy jumped down from the crates, landing in front of us. Wow, he’s short. I mean granted he still towered over me, but he was still shorter than most of the Hatten boys. He wore brown slacks and a white checkered dress shirt, with red suspenders that were worn out making them almost look pink. He had a grey Newsie cap, and carried a pimp cane in one hand and had a slingshot looped into his belt. He smirked at Jack who returned the same look. They both spit shake, I looked over at Davey, who still wasn’t keen on the whole spit shake thing.

“Hey Boots, how's it rollin?”

Spot asked, slipping his pimp cane in his belt.

“I got some real nice shooters for ya”

Boots replied handing Spot some marbles. Spot looked at them before loading one into his slingshot.

“So uh, Jackie boy. I been hearin things from me lil boids. Things from Harlem n Queens”

Spot said before letting go of the slingshot and hitting a bottle perfectly. Huh, not bad Conlon.

“From all over. They been cherpin in my ear. Tellin me Jackie boys Newsies playin like they goin on strike” 

Spot finished.

“Yeah well we are”

Jack concluded.

“But we’re not playin. We are goin on strike”

I spoke up stepping out from behind my brother. Jack tried to keep me behind him but I stayed put. Spot got in my face.

“Oh yeah? Yeah? What is she Jackie some kinda walkin mouth?”

I was taken back. Not many people noticed I was a girl at first. Spot smirked at me and Jack pulled me back.

“Yeah she’s got a mouth alright, and it’s one with a brain, an if yous got half a one you’ll listen to it”

Spot sat down ready to listen. Honestly I don’t know why everyone is so intimidated by him.

“Well we started the strike, but we’s can’t do it alone so we’ve been talkin to otha Newsies around the city”

I started.

“Yeah, so they told me. What’s they tell you?”

Spot questioned. 

“Well they’re waitin to see what Spot Conlon does, that you’re the key”

Davey butt in but then lost confidence. 

“They’s saying Spot Conlon is the best, most respected and famous Newsies in all a New York, and probably everywhere else. An if Spot Conlon joins, then they will too, then nobody can beat us”

I smirked, thinking Spot was the kinda person who liked to have his ego inflated, from the looks on his face, I was right. I looked over to Jack who was giving me a look, thanking me.

Brooklyns Star [Spot Conlon x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now