my mom still decided on making me live, that means i'm worth it, right?

way more than you know

you're more than worth it, arinie

yeah i guess

i'm starting to love myself too

i realized i can't love others fully if i can't even love and accept myself

im sorry i couldnt love you fully before, you didn't deserve my half assed love at all, you deserve more, and i'm sorry if i keep on having reservations and hesitations, i must've made you feel bad before, i'm sorry

but don't worry i'm working on it

that's good to know then

dont forget to love me, okay??

i'm like your other half

we grew up together

im your lil bitch

love me juseyoooo

hahaha of course

i'll always love you

it's always you | backspace

anyway, how about you?

what have you been up to these past few days, weeks???


and work

and oh, did i mention work?

yeah work

lmaooo you're too busy working hahaha

don't overwork yourself though

rest if you can, and eat too, don't forget about your meals, and of course, your happiness, dont forget about that

yes ma'am

there's happiness in work though

this is what i love to do, and so i'm happy doing it

it's always fun with x1, even if we're not doing anything, it's still fun with them

and even if we are apart, it's like there's still there, no one forgets anyone, always 11 no matter what haha

also, i've been shooting this variety program where we are sent to the countryside, and man, i learned a lot of things there!! i ate a lot there too hahahaja the people there are nice to me too

oh and we started filming for school 2020 too but all of that needs to be refilmed because there had been a conflict regarding contracts, suddenly seohyun isn't the girl anymore, they say it's kim saeron sunbaenim, i dont know anymore hahaha we'll know when it's settled

kim saeron???


she's so beautiful what the hell???? and she's a great artist too!!! you lucky lucky lil bitch!!

i'm not jealous lol | backspace

oh who am i kidding, that's THE kim saeron, i'm nothing compared to her, it's game over once she looks great with yohan | backspace

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