"For now."

"Draco," Harry put his palm against Draco's cheek. "You're not alone anymore. I can help you. If you let me."

"It's not that simple—"

"It can be. After this school year, we can run away and get away from everything."

"I can't just run away—"

"I will kill Voldemort and this summer will be the start of it. I know how to weaken him and you could help me. I can help free you."

"But my parents—"

"You said so yourself. They're weak and unwilling to stand up to Voldemort even for their son. They don't deserve your loyalty."

"I don't know..."

"Just think about it, okay?"

Draco nodded and Harry leaned down and kissed him. "I love you."

"I love you too."


"This isn't going to last, mate."

Harry rolled his eyes, struggling to tie his tie. "It's only got to last until the end of the year."

"I can only come up with so many lies to tell our dormmates," Ron argued.

"Then just tell them you don't know," Harry said, giving up on his tie. "I'll give them some excuse later. I never asked you to cover for me."

Ron threw his arms up. "Sorry for being a good friend!"

"That's not what I'm saying. I'm just saying that it's not your concern." Harry grabbed his bag. "Come on. We're late as it is."

Ron didn't move from his seat on his bed. "Is all of this even worth it? All this sneaking around and for what?"

"To be with my boyfriend and help keep his Night Terrors away."

"The Night Terrors were real?"

Harry nodded. "He's been through Hell, Ron."

"Haven't we all?"

Harry sighed. "Look, it doesn't matter whether you think it's worth it or not because I do. Now can we stop talking about this and can you just accept it?"

"I'm just trying to look out for you."

"And I appreciate it but it's my life and I love him."

Ron's eyes widened. "What?"

Harry rolled his eyes and headed for the door. "You heard me. Now let's get to class already."


"Do you have a plan?"

Draco really didn't want to be talking about this, not after his conversation with Harry last night. Harry had given him a lot to think about and Draco was really considering not going through with the assignment.

"And if I don't?" Draco looked up at Snape. "Does your unbreakable vow make it so that you'd have to kill him instead?"

Snape narrowed his black eyes. "I swore to keep you safe, not clean up your messes."

Draco straightened in his chair. "If Dumbledore doesn't die then the Dark Lord will kill me. So, it sounds to me that if you don't step up and I die then your vow would be broken and you'll die as well."

"Are you saying that you're just going to give up?"

He got to his feet. "I'm saying that I don't see the need for me to follow through with this task."

Snape stood up as well. "It's not that simple, Draco. You're parents—"

"Are already dead to me." Draco turned toward the door. "Goodbye, Professor."

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