#Chapter 14

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(Let's have some fun with this X3)

(I think imma stop with POV's unless they are needed =.=)

Nightmare: "A month. It had been a fucking month since that sorry excuse for a protector let us free. There has been no sign of Error, Ink or my...Brother. No matter what we do we can't get back to their headquarters. I thought I would never have to say this, but were out of options"

Nightmare sagged into his thrown, his gang, his family were looking up at him with a mixture of fear, sorrow and anger. It left a sick feeling inside. For once in his life, he didn't want to feel the negativity. He was lost.

Cross: "B-but sir, I'm sure you can think of something...r-right?"

Nightmare sighed and shook his head: "no, I don't. I've let you down, its best we forget about this and move on"

He got up and opened a portal to a random Au needing fresh air, even if it was 'artificial'. When he walked onto the snow of the other side, he wasn't expecting the rest to follow. Or the anger to be thrown his way.

Dust: "That's it? You're just going to leave him behind and forget like he doesn't matter?"

Nightmare: "you know I hate this as much as you but there is nothing we can do"

Dust: "what about us? would you just abandon us?"

Nightmare: "of course not, you're family"

Dust: "and so is Error, he has been for a long time now, we can't just let those council freaks keep him, who knows what they've done to him!"

???: "Error?"

They both frozen mid-argument while the rest of the gang brought out their weapons pointing it towards the new presence. They didn't know what to expect yet here was a swap Sans if the blue scarf and star eyes were any indication.

Cross: "leave before you get hurt little skeleton"

???: "I can't tell you how many times I've heard that before"

The other was giggling before looking back towards the previously arguing pair.

???: "I'm going to assume it's the same Forced destroyer of worlds were talking about, right? What had Error gotten himself into now?"

The others had no idea what to say how did this swap know of Error and his true name on top of that. Killer got closer not letting his weapon down.

Killer: "What is it to you? How do you know of Error?"

???: "Oh, I forgot no one knows me besides the council and Error. Well, introductions are due then. My name is Blueberry, a friend of Error after he kidnapped me many resets ago. But a friend of Error is a friend of mine so you can call me Blue"

Blue posed and smiled glitching the slightest bit. It was so quick that if they weren't staring, they would have missed it. Their sockets narrowed as if they could see it happen again by doing so. Blue noticed and looked down scratching just under his sockets.

Blue: "Oh, yeah that's just one of the many side effects of being left alone in the Anti-void for too long, Papy and Ink just think it's Error using his glitches to control my mind. Anyway, enough about me what's happened to Error?"

Dust stared at Nightmare who was already looking down at his feet the rest of the gang looking towards their leader in disappointment, the fear still hanging heavy in the air.

Cross: "just over a month ago we were ambushed then locked up in the council's headquarters with Error, the dumb glitch made some deal with the artist and we were 'let out' and now we can't get back in to help Error. Boss here just doesn't know what to do anymore"

Blue thought to himself for a moment, the air tense with the others staring at him.

Blue: "I might know someone who can help us, just don't freak out ok"

He received a few nods and hopeful smiles from the gang and Nightmare himself. Blue went still and silent, then a sound close to that of a Television rang out in the air, glitches popping up around him. This went on for a few moments then cut off completely with the arrival of a grey, eyeless Frisk standing in front of the swap.

Blue: "This is Core, the one person who can go anywhere anytime"

They only stared at Core then Blue and back again. Nightmare becoming overwhelmed at the feeling of positive, hopeful emotions from his boys. 

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