A phone call

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I got a new job and had to look for an apartment closer to my new office so that I didn’t have to spend an hour to get to work every day. I quickly found a suitable apartment, made all arrangements and moved in. The apartment was nice and I would have stayed in it if not for one incident.  

You see, I have two phones - one for personal calls and one for business. So one day sitting in the office around lunch time I noticed that I didn’t have my second phone on me. I thought that I lost it somewhere on my way to work and began calling my number hoping for a miracle. I dialed the number - and someone picked up the phone instantly. I say, "Hello? Can you hear me?” And in response there is nothing, only someone breathes into the speaker. I asked again: "Hello, can you hear me?" And then in response someone said in a husky voice “I hear you." And then he hung up. After that, every time I called - no one picked up the phone. Of course, I was upset - apparently they decided to keep my phone.  

I worked late that day and came home later than usual. I got home, had dinner and started watching TV – and suddenly I saw that my phone was on the nightstand in my bedroom. I was taken aback, I picked it up and saw 16 missed calls and one received call, which lasted 22 seconds - exactly the same as my call at lunch. This is when I decided to move again.  

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