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A year ago when we went to visit my grandmother, we took our cat. It has not been neutered and constantly went out. An hour before our departure, my grandfather accidentally let him out and he ran away. So, we left home without it.  

Three months later, we took another cat, which unlike the former one was an outbred. And in order to avoid the same incident that happened to the other cat, we took it to the vet and castrated him. 

The cat grew very quickly. My parent and I were surprised how it got bigger every day. We blamed it all on Whiskas, saying that it supported the growth of my cat. But no, it wasn’t Whiskas. A couple of days ago I found it out myself... It was a grey day, and as usual I was sitting at my computer, and my parents left for the country house so I was left alone with the cat.  

Suddenly it got dark, even though it was still daylight. I noticed it and with some fear I went to the window but it was pitch dark outside. The street lamps were off. It was never this dark even at night. Everything was black. Paralyzed with fear and trembling in my knees I sat on the bed and continued to stare at my laptop. Philipp (the name of my cat) was sleeping next to me, and it was probably the only thing that calmed me a little, yet in my heart I knew he was just a cat, and if it something otherworldly came, there was nothing he could do for me. I even felt that that day something was supposed to happen.  

I sat with a certain fear and played on my computer for a little more than an hour. The darkness was still everywhere outside and the cat was still sleeping next to me. He did not even wake up, even though he never sleeps more than thirty minutes at a time. My fear never left me, but in that time it subsided a little bit.  

Suddenly I heard a window handle being turned, as if someone was opening it. Less than a minute later the window opened and I heard footsteps. It could not be a person because I live on the fourth floor, and how could he be turning the handle from the outside?  

Pit-a-pat… Pit-a-pat… 

This something was walking around the house in search of something. I, like a typical teenager, hid under the blanket in the hope that it will save me. 

Pit-a-pat… Pit-a-pat… 

The footsteps were closer and closer. I couldn’t think of anything. I was about to start crying. The light in my room got dimmer. My cat was still asleep. 

Pit-a-pat… Pit-a-pat… 

That’s it. That something was standing behind the door. Cold sweat and shiver ran through my body. Suddenly the door opened and it came in.  

That thing looked like a human, almost. Absolutely white skin was covering the bones, and instead of eyes it had black hollows, there was no nose and a black-black smile was stretched almost from ear to ear. In some places on its body there were black spots. It was awful.  

I peered at it through my blanket. Suddenly, its skinny hand lifted and telekinetically grabbed. My skin started getting covered with black spots and numerous scratches. At that moment my cat woke up and stood on the floor in front of me. His hair started to fall off and it grew to a huge size, he was almost three meters (the ceilings in my house are 3.45). And he looked like that creature, only he was completely black. 

That creature continued to smile; it was much smaller than my "cat." The cat grabbed it by the waist and kept squeezing, but the creature would not let me go until my body was all covered with black spots and even my pupils started to turn black. "God, no, don’t. I do not want to be like them" - I thought at the time realizing that I was turning into a monster.  

Suddenly, it let me go, the spots started to come off, I was lying motionless on the floor, hoping that it would all end. Philipp crushed that creature and it burned right in the apartment.  

The cat turned back into a cat and started to purr licking my forehead. 

After a while everything got lighter outside and it all got filled the smell of flowers and rot. I do not know where the smell of rot was coming from, but I was no longer interested.  

After everything that happened Phil began showing me his real face. He even talked to me. 

When I asked him what it was, he told me that someone had opened a portal to another world and forgot to close it, so they came for people in order to convert them into their own kind.  

On my block there was almost no one left.  

When I was looking with my cat for the rotting smell, we stumbled upon an abandoned building.  

It was full of human flesh… 

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