"My name is Nicholas Fury, I'm the director of SHIELD. Strategic Homeland Intervention, Enforcement, and Logistics Division. Some of the people you knew from your time helped form us."  

Steve couldn't look away from the window. The only thing this New York had in common with where he had grown up was the street names. And Steve was pretty sure even some of those had changed, "Like who?" 

"Peggy Carter, Howard Stark, and a few others." 

Steve didn't react at the mention of his old friends. Apparently seventy years had gone by. They were probably all dead by now. 

He was silent the rest of the way to the headquarters and when they finally arrived, the red-haired woman who had yet to introduce herself to Steve said something to Fury and walked away. 

"Come on in Captain. We'll get you filled in," Nicholas said, leading Steve inside. 


Steve had never felt so lost in his own city. Growing up, he had known the streets of New York like the back of his hand. Sure having a photographic memory helped, but part of it was the fact that he had loved his city and wanted to know every little nook and cranny within it. 

Now he was a stranger to the place he called home and there was nothing he could do about it. 

SHIELD had given him an apartment in Brooklyn and made him come in a few times a week for a therapy session that helped probably about as much as the phone they gave him that he didn't know how to use. 

One morning Steve walked into his therapy session and was greeted by Nick Fury and the red-haired woman from the day he woke up. 

"Morning Captain. Have a seat." 

Steve frowned, "What's going on?" 

Fury sighed, "Your therapy sessions don't seem to be helping so I've decided to try a new approach and just be completely honest with you. We want to offer you a job at SHIELD. You'd be running missions, training recruits, and if all goes to plan we would eventually become a leader of a group we are trying to assemble called the Avengers. But we can't do anything until you've at least begun to adapt to the 21st century. So we're giving you a guide." 

Steve raised an eyebrow, "A guide?" 

Fury nodded and gestured to the red head, "Cap, meet Agent Romanoff. She's going to basically show you the workings of the 21st century and if you decide to take a job here and get clearance, she'll also be your field partner and is a candidate for the Avengers program." 

Steve looked over at her and nodded, "Nice to finally meet you ma'am." 

She nodded back and Fury continued, "I've got to get to a meeting but Agent Romanoff has arranged to show you around the city today. Your therapist said you haven't seen any of the new sights." 

Both Fury and Agent Romanoff stood up. She looked down at Steve and nodded towards the door, "Let's get going Captain. We don't have all day." 

Steve followed behind her, staying quiet partially because he didn't know what to say and partially because she didn't seem to be the type to like small talk. 

They arrived at what Steve assumed was Agent Romanoff's car and he looked at it with a strange face. 

Apparently noticing, she unlocked the car and got into the driver's seat, "I take it they didn't have cars like this back in your day?" 

Steve almost smiled, "Not exactly. Then again, there's a lot more new about this century then just the cars." 

"That's where I come in. Now get in. The car doesn't bite." 

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