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Lucifer had laid there staring at Estrella's sleeping figure for a while. He watched her chest ride with every breath, and every once in a while she would turn over. He thought about last night; the way her bare skin felt against his. The way her fingernails dug into his back, tearing the skin and drawing blood. He felt like he was glowing from all the strength that rushed through his veins. As she slept peacefully, Lucifer got up and pulled some clothing into his body. He would let her sleep for however long she needed, last night was exhausting.
He walked out of the bedroom, delicately closing the door behind him. He peered down the corridor momentarily before deciding to check in on Danika. Obviously she had slept on her own and since she was known for wandering off, he worries she wouldn't be in bed. But to his surprise, when he opened the door she was sitting up in bed, holding a teddy bear against her chest. A smile spread across her face instantly at the sight of him.
"Hi Lucifer!"
Lucifer grinned. "Good morning, Danika."
"Where is mommy?"
"Asleep," he responded then hesitated in thought. "Would you like to come with me?"
Danika nodded her head immediately and climbed out of bed, dropping the teddy bear onto the floor as if she no longer cared for it. She hurried to him, and he carefully led her out of the bedroom and down the hallway. She followed right by his side, smiling so happily her cheeks began to hurt.
"Where are we going?"
"Well, I have to get some work done but I assumed you didn't want to stay in that room all by yourself. Besides, I can't have you running off again, can I?"
Lucifer opened the two large doors that his office was located behind, and she followed.
"No but I won't go, there aren't nice people here."
"Well some are," he disagreed and sat down in his chair. She looked at him in wonder. "Abaddon is nice, right?"
"The boy that talks funny?!"
Lucifer smirked then nodded.
"Yes, him."
"He is nice," Danika agreed then stepped closer to Lucifer. He glanced at his desk at the amount of work he had been avoiding, laziness was the reason why it hadn't been finished. "Do I call you daddy?"
"You can call me whatever you like, I'm happy with either."
"Okay," he could see her eyes held so many questions. She had so many but she didn't know if she should ask him. She knew he was her father, that she had accepted even though she didn't quite understand how. But she didn't know him, he was nice and that was all she knew. "If you're my daddy why don't I have black eyes?"
Lucifer was taken off guard, she was already throwing him difficult questions he didn't know how to ask. Were all children like this? He wondered. But he knew her mind worked in ways no ordinary child did. She was intelligent, she was powerful, she was the Devil's daughter for crying out loud.
"You have your mother's eyes. You don't want black eyes."
Lucifer tried to avoid anymore questions by grabbing the pen and getting to work, but Danika was stubborn like her parents. She didn't give up easily. She huffed then turned around, looking around the office. It was so boring here, especially in this room. There were no toys and nothing for her to do. Lucifer was already engaged in his work while she explored the large room, discovering nothing so far. She wanted to talk to him so bad, she wanted to be his friend but how?
"Why are your eyes black?"
Lucifer stopped writing and gently dropped the pen, turning his attention to Danika.
"Because I'm special."
"How? Can you fly or do magic tricks?"
Lucifer chuckled.
"You ask a lot of questions, you definitely are your mother's daughter."
"I think you're weird," she said. Lucifer raised an eyebrow in question. "But I like it!"
"If I'm weird then so are you." Lucifer winked and she gasped in excitement before he turned around and went back to work. Moments had passed in total silence. Every once in a while Lucifer would lift his eyes from the work in front of him to catch a glimpse of Danika, who sat on the floor right beside him playing with three Barbie dolls. Lucifer grinned and looked away when he realized he hadn't given her the Barbie dolls to play with, there were no Barbie dolls in the room for her to grab and play with either.
She looked up. "Yeah?"
"Where did you get that?" He interrogated with an eyebrow arched. Danika looked down at the Barbie dolls then back up at him.
"I don't know. I wanted to play with Barbies."
Lucifer pressed his lips together firmly, trying to think of how to comprehend this.
"So, they just appeared?" Danika nodded her head and smiled a widely smile. "Do you do that often?"
Lucifer chuckled, that was the most nonchalant answer he has ever heard in his existence. It was hilarious to hear it coming from his own daughter.

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