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"We've searched the east and west gut no sign of her, my Lord."
Lucifer clenched his fists in rage, it was not the answer he desperately wanted to hear. They had been searching for hours, but only a handful of Lucifer's trusted men looked for her. The others in the Underworld were utterly unaware. At this point, Estrella was losing hope. Tears shined in her eyes and her cheeks were stained with dried tears. She was absolutely terrified, as was Lucifer but he was hiding it well.

"Keep looking," he demanded. " I don't care how long it takes, so you understand?"

The six demons nodded their heads silently and turned on the heel of their boots quickly jogging towards the door but before they could open it to leave, a blood curdling scream filled the astophmere. It sounded like speakers were blasting it all around them but Lucifer couldn't determine who or what it was coming from. But Estrella 's motherly instincts told her who it was.

"That's her, that's Danika!"

She ran as fast as she could, while everyone else ran after her.

"Estrella stop, we don't know where she is!" Abaddon yelled over Danika's screams.


She ran as fast as her legs could carry her, down every corridor while the demons busted through doors but there was no sign of her and while Estrella's energy drained; the screams stopped.

"Brother, she's not in here." Abaddon breathed. He was devastated, he wanted Danika found just as bad. Lucifer placed his hands on his hips while his brain raced with the possibilities of where she could be to scream like that, and Abaddon was thinking the same thing.

"I smell blood, my Lord."

Estrella's heart stopped. Lucifer tilted his head back and sniffed, he smelt it too. Human and Angel blood. His daughter's blood.

"Keep her here, Abaddon you're with me."

Estrella was offended, actually hurt. She gripped Lucifer's arm before he could walk away.

"You're insane if you think I'm going to stay here, that's my daughter too!"

"Where we're going isn't safe for you," he said. "I'll bring her back but you will stay here, I'm not discussing it. My decision is final."

"I'm not one of your demons, Lucifer. You don't make decisions for me."

Abaddon could feel their emotions clashing against another, it made the air hot. He stepped inbetween them, but faced Estrella.

"Trust us, Estrella."

Silence fell over them. Estrella wanted to come along but every second was wasted by arguing. Slowly, she nodded in agreement.

"Oh sure, listen to the nice one." Lucifer mumbled under his breath then walked away, Abaddon ran after him.

It was until they were away from Estrella's ears and they were exposed to the elements of the Underworld before Abaddon spoke.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?"

"That she's out here and some bastards got a hold of her?" Lucifer bit his bottom lip and shook his head. "Yes. Yes I am."

They used the scent of her blood to find her track, it wasn't until they realized exactly who they were dealing with until they stood in front of the door. Lucifer's nostrils flared, his blood boiled, and he used his foot to kick in the door. His black eyes scanned the room until he saw Danika sitting in the cage hanging from the ceiling, it wasn't big enough for her. Underneath her was drops of blood, shimmering in the candlelight.

"Dear God." Abaddon whispered, unaware of his words.

"I knew you would show, Lucy boy."
Lucifer turned his attention towards Axle while Abaddon assisted Danika to break her free from the cage and attend to her wound.

"I should have tossed you to the fire, Axle."

"Don't give me all the credit!" Axle exclaimed. "I had help from your girl. If it wasn't for her, I never would've met the offspring."

Lucifer raised an eyebrow in confusion, but when Axle stepped aside to show him Lilith hiding in the dark, he finally understood.

"I'm going to make sure you two suffer."

He stepped forward, signalling a challenge.

"Hold on now, I have the key. Now, if you really want her back I suggest we negotiate."

"Negotiate? " Lucifer shouted. He couldn't believe this. "I'm not negotiating shit!"

"Then the little brat will bleed out!" Axle roared. Lucifer exhaled deeply then glanced over at Abaddon, he was struggling to break her free.

"What do you want?"

Axle grinned. "Much better. I want my spot back, the one you took away from me."

Lucifer rolled his eyes. "You're still holding a grudge? That was a ducking decade ago!"

"Sound familiar? " Axle chuckled.

"Brother, she needs to get out of this cage. Just make the goddamn deal and give him the spot back! "

Lucifer didn't want to, but the more he looked at his daughter lying in that cage his mind changed. Her eyes were filled with tears, her cheeks were stained, and she looked exhausted.

Lucifer stepped forward, withdrew his hand for a shake, and have a slight nod.

"Fine, your position will be in affect immediately."

Axle couldn't believe it, he was thrilled. He played the Devil's game. He came forward and took Lucifer 's hand, completely unaware of the truck the Devil had up his sleeve. Lucifer moved fast, pinning Axle to his knees in a chokehold. He dug his fingers in Axle's pockets until he felt the key and tossed it to Abaddon.

"Get her out of here," Lucifer's chokehold tightened. "I have some business to deal with, don't I?"

Abaddon scooped Danika into his arms and ran, faster than he ever has. She was awake, gripping his shirt for comfort. He could see the cut down her arm, it was something he could treat and he felt so relieved that she was going to be okay.

"Why is he not coming?"

"Don't you worry, Danika. Your mother is wanting to see you, she's missed you so much."

Estrella sat on the bed, looking down at Danika who laid peacefully. Her eyes shut, her lips pressed together, and the bandage on her arm covered the wound. Abaddon stood at the end of the bed, hands behind his back. Even he couldn't date to leave, Danika's disappearance affected him too and he couldn't help but to stare.

"Will it heal on its own?" Estrella asked softly then wiped away a tear with her sleeve. "Like Lucifer?"

"Yes but slowly, she's still a halve of human."

Estrella nodded her head, she was pleased with that answer. More than so. She heard the squeak of the door open and she looked over her shoulder to see Lucifer coming in. He wore different clothing, his energy felt different, but she didn't care enough at the moment to ask what he did to the bastards that did this to her daughter.

"How is she?"

"Better but she's exhausted, " Abaddon replied. "The wound was not terrible. She'll heal."
Lucifer placed his hand on Abaddon's shoulder and gave it a light squeeze.

"Thank you, little brother."

Abaddon smiled, which didn't seem often enough. He watched Lucifer sit on the other side of Danika, and for a second they appeared to be a united family. Danika's eyelids switched and slowly opened.

"Hey sweetheart. " Estrella whispered, placing her hand on top of Danika's.

Danika swallowed hard, her throat felt dry. But she still spoke.

"My daddy is here, where is he?"

Estrella's breath stopped and she looked over at Lucifer, who was just as speechless.

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