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White flurries fell down from the black sky silently. Danika's cheeks were now a rosy red from the freezing air but she didn't feel discomfort from it. She had been walking forever, her legs became restless but she continued forward into the unknown.
The ground was frozen and everything around her was pitch black, yet she could hear unknown noises further off in the distance. Voices? Shouts? Danika didn't know but she was curious. She didn't feel fear, she didn't feel anxious; she felt very calm and almost peace with herself. The darkness began to fade and she could start to see again but what she saw was miles of openness. She looked from right to left until her eyes caught something out of place that appeared to be a door that led into a cave-like area. You guessed right; Danika went inside.

Stairs closed downward; deeper under ground and she followed every step with her hand on the railing to keep her balance. She came to a hallway that went left or right. Both directions were lit with half-melted was candles, and both directions appeared to be scary. She felt eerily now, her gut was telling her she shouldn't be here but did she listen? No. Left seemed to be the way to go, the right side felt bad. Danika took her first step, walking slowly and quietly. She was light on her feet, no one could hear her coming. She was like a silent deadly ninja that snuck up behind you to attack. The longer she walked she began to hear something behind her. Footsteps maybe? She peered over her shoulder, but no one was there.

The sound stopped. She hesitated for a moment before continuing but then the sound started again. Now it sounded like clicking?
Danika started to walk faster; her heart began to pace. The footsteps got closer, grew louder. Danika was running, something didn't feel right, she was terrified! The faster she ran the louder the footsteps got but she couldn't stop running, she wouldn't stop. She had to get away. She made the mistake to look over her shoulder and that's when she saw red eyes in the dark. She froze and started to scream at the top of her lungs. She dropped to the floor, pulled her knees to her chest and shielded herself all while screaming.

"Stop that, it's so annoying!" scolded a female's voice.

Danika instantly stopped and slowly raised her head. A woman stood in front of her, looking down with an expression of annoyance.

"Who are you?"

"I should ask you the same thing. Now, stand up!"

Danika thought this lady was mean but she did as asked anyway. Danika could see her eyes as she stood; they were red. It was scary. It was in this moment, the woman began to realize who Danika was. The resemblance was remarkable.

"Holy shit, this is unbelievable... So you're the infamous little child-thing. "

"What?" Danika was more confused than ever.

"You! Do you not know who you are?"

Danika nodded ever so slightly. "My name is Danika."

"Wow, " the woman grinned and her teeth was disgusting. Danika cringed. "You're not very smart. You must get that from your mother."

"You know my mommy?"

"Unfortunately," the woman paused. "I'm Lilith, " Lilith held out her hand and Danika stared. Her nails were stained with blood and her veins were black. "Come on, you should come with me. If Axle and Champa find you here, they'll just have to eat you up!" Lilith laughed to herself as Danika fearfully took her hand.

"Where are we going?"

"Well, I bet your mom and dad are looking for you right about now. But I'm not allowed to come near the kingdom so they'll just have to come find you. Your far away, child-thing."

Danika couldn't help but to ignore what this woman said.

"My daddy?"

"Yes, your daddy or whatever. Damn, you're like ten and you still call him daddy? That's weird."

"I don't know my daddy," Danika came to a complete stop. "He's here?!"

Lilith believed for a second that Danika was kidding, but the look on her face and in those brown eyes told her otherwise. Lilith was shocked.

"I can't believe you don't --"

"Talking to yourself again, huh?"

Lilith looked up to see Axle approaching them. He stood at least seven foot and his body type was massive. He was one of the oldest demons here, but one of the most ruthless. That is why he was banished to this place.


He caught whiff of fresh blood and the scent of warm undead skin. His nostrils instructed him to look down and that is when he saw her.

"What is this?!"

"Don't do anything dumb, Axle. Trust me, you'll piss off the wrong person." Lilith warned, trying to get inbetween Axle and Danika.

"Oh yeah, who?" the look on Lilith's face told him everything. He couldn't believe it. "That's impossible... well, we must welcome her properly for the king!"

Axle bent down and scooped Danika up, throwing her over his shoulder. She began to scream and kick, but it was no use. He was already carrying her away while Lilith followed closely behind.

"Axle, stop. You don't know what he will do!"

"Let's find out, shall we? I smell a negotiation coming my way!"

"Put me down!" Danika cried, punching Axle's shoulder blades but he still didn't listen.
"You are an idiot if you think he'll give you what you want."

Axle kicked open a door and walked into a big room. Blood stained the floor and cages hung from the ceiling, a few hosted skeletons. He opened a cage and forced Danika inside no matter how hard she fought. She was sobbing.

"Oh he will, this is his daughter right?"

Lilith hesitated to answer, even she knew she would be in trouble. Once Lucifer found out, more than his dark side will come out.

"Yes, it is. Her name is Danika."

"Oh he named it? So she's part Angel and what, demon?"

Axle approached the table that his favorite toys laid on; screwdrivers, knives, needles, saws, and other tools to use as a form of torture.

"Human." replied Lilith, calmly. Axle froze.

"He fucked and knocked up a human?" he laughed. "that's why he threw you away. Shit, replaced by a human. Must be hard."

"Shut up!"

"Okay okay, back to more important things," Axle picked up a knife and began to approach Danika's cage. She coward to him and cried. "We got to get Satan's attention. He'll never come here without reason."

"And what's your plan, genius?"

Axle grinned.

"I bet he's looking for her now, we just got to get her scream loud enough for his ears to hear. If he is her daddy, she should scream loud enough. You may want to cover your ears, the scream of an Angel is painful."

"Axle, don't!"

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