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The echoes of their voices filled the room overwhelmingly. Their voices held the time of anger, sadness, confusion and unfortunately fear.
"There's only one solution to all of this, and I say the word one with passion. The child must die. The human girl needs to be brought in to us or she needs to die too."
God was silent during this meeting while looking over the Kingdom of Heaven. He was watching family members with their loved ones, the ultimate reunion.
Raphael sighed heavily.
"I have to agree. What is happening now cannot continue. Earth will be destroyed, the Underworld will be flowing into both worlds. Who knows what would happen to our home. I don't want to stand back and wait to see what is to come."
Over the last few weeks, which felt like months in Heaven and the Underworld; Earth has been dealing with insane natural disasters. Hurricanes, earthquakes, volcano explosions, sinkholes, thunderstorms, snow storms, heat waves, and tsunamis. It was the apocalypse. The end of time. But not from the hands of God, from the hands of the Devil's daughter. Quite frankly, God didn't know what to do going forward.
"Father," said Uriel gently. God turned to his children. "You haven't said a word."
God exhaled and began to approach the long white table they all say at. He tried hard to avoid to be a part of this counsel meeting.
"I do not know what to say." He said as he sat down.
"How about what needs to be done?" Zedd said angrily. "The child needs to die!"
God didn't respond quickly, instead he tasted his words before letting them out.
"When I split Lucifer's soul, it was before he turned his back on his family. I had never imagined this to happen; perhaps I hoped falling in love would lead him back to his grace. To be the archangel he was meant to be. I watched him change, I silently watched from the sidelines while he looked over her. Protected her. But then I started to see he would never be the archangel he needed to be, not because of her," God paused momentarily while reflecting. The Archangels waited with open ears. God huffed. "I watched when he felt heard that unborn baby's heartbeat. Hope in me glowed, I thought this child would be the answer to my own prayers. How I was wrong. What is happening to Earth is not the work of your brother. It is the work of the child, only the work of the child. I do not know how to stop it, I don't know how to stop her. This child is strong, powerful, she has abilities we don't understand. Abilities no one has seen, not even her own father understands the amount of power her body contains. I do not know if I can stop her."
"You're telling us you're afraid?"
God pressed his lips firmly together before responding.
"I am deeply concerned."
"So we allow the Underworld to escape and let demons ruin Earth? They will destroy everything you have worked for, Father!" cried Eden.
"No, of course not. She does need to be stopped -"
Raphael interrupted. "But you won't end her?"
"Perhaps there's an alternative." said Uriel.
"There's not!"
"Talk to your brother?" God asked, as if he was reading Uriel's mind.
Zedd laughed.
"That's a terrible idea! Do you all believe he would help us keep the Underworld contained and stop his offspring from causing the apocalypse?"
"What if that was the only choice he had?" Uriel said. "If he wants his daughter to live."
"This is outrageous!"
"Let's take a vote," Eden chimed in. "all in favor of the child to die."
"I, as well."
"All in favor of the alternative option."
"I'm sorry Uriel, but I."
God's children were divided and it was up to him to be the tie breaker.

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