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Danika. That was her name and she was flawless. She was born into a world of destruction of war, defenseless and unknowing. She did not know her father was king of the underworld and she was blissfully unaware of her power. Estrella cradled her protectively, drinking in Danika's appearance. She was so tiny, innocent, and sleeping. Estrella couldn't decide if she looked like her or more like Lucifer. Her skin was milky white; dark hair and thick long lashes, but Estrella hadn't seen the color of her eyes... were they brown or soulless black?

"We're looking for him, Estrella. We will find him."

Abaddon refused to leave their side because Lucifer ordered him to keep them safe, and that may have been the last order he gave... Lucifer was missing, and every second that went by made Estrella worry. Was he dead, who will rise as king in the underworld?

"If he's dead, what will happen?"

Abaddon wanted to reassure her but he couldn't because even he didn't know what would happen. He opened his mouth but Lucifer's voice came out instead of his own.

"I am not easy to get rid of."

There stood the Devil a foot away from the hospital bed. His hands were stained in red and he leaned his weight to the right

."Brother," Abaddon breathed In relief then embraced Lucifer. He winced in agony from the wound in his ribs. "are you hurt?"

"Mikey put up an entertaining battle but I will heal," he pushed Abaddon away and locked eyes with his soulmate. "I want to see my daughter."

He limped to the bed and looked down at the most amazing being he has ever laid eyes on. Estrella could see the expression on his face.

"Do... do you want to hold her?" Lucifer was confident in everything he did, but holding his daughter was one thing he was not confident in. Estrella sensed this and insisted he held her. "you'll do fine, hold her in your arms and don't forget to support her head."

Abaddon experienced this moment with them, watching Lucifer's brick wall crumble down. He was holding Danika cautiously and protectively, staring at her in awe. But then Abaddon saw that brick wall rebuild itself and he vanished from the room due to Lucifer's ability

."What are you doing?" Estrella interrogated worriedly, getting prepared to fight for Danika.Lucifer exhaled with dread, then slowly turned around to face her.

"You're going to be the perfect mother," he cooed and Estrella was more than confused. He came closer and gave Danika up, then pressed his lips against Estrella's forehead. "but I cannot stay to see it."

"Lucifer, what are you talking about?" her heart was pounding from fear. He chose not to answer and began to approach the closed door. "you better explain right now, Lucifer!"

He wanted to explode in anger and dread, but he was a professional pretending he was fine.

"I killed Michael," he swirled around. "I killed him without hesitation and I felt nothing but satisfaction! Then my Father appeared... he offered me a deal and I accepted it. I cannot fight my Father, I am not strong to or I would."

"I don't understand." cried Estrella.

"The deal was Danika would live but she could not know me, she will have to grow up without me."

"No, I can't do this without you!"

Tears began to fall from her eyes and Lucifer had to look away.

"You will have to and when I can... I will come meet my daughter."

"Please, there must be another way!" she pleaded but he vanished without another word spoken. Not a goodbye.

Her heart shattered in pieces and the tears fell harder, but she couldn't become weak now. Danika needed her more than ever, and Estrella refused to disappoint her.

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