"My nigga" he dapped me up again

"You taking her out or sum?" He asked

"Yea tomorrow" I said

"Where bout?"

"Dave and busters" I said "keeping it simple"

"Better tell her a dress code or some course girls be going all out for nothing" he laughed

"Ima have to tell her that"

"Yea do that but we finna go hit up Kentrell nem, they just came back" he said "you coming?"

"Yea" I said putting on my shoes

"It crazy how he kidnapped jania, but got yaya out in Jamaica with them" the twin jayna said

"Tryna be blue face" Jayda shook her head

"Them girls sad" Jayna looked disgusted

"I could Neva" they both said at the same time

They do this often

"Shut y'all I cOuLd NeVa face ass up" Kendell said making me laugh out loud

"I'm crien" I said still laughing

"It wasn't even funny it was so lame" they mugged us

Jayda pulled up to kentrell's house as we all got out. Kendell knocked on the door and we heard Ben loud ass yelling at the game. Nobody came to the door tho.

"Shit changed without kd he was suppose to yell GeT tHe DoOr and then come to the door" kendell mumbled

"Yep, rip kd" I mumbled as Kendell started making beats on the door

"Who the fuck at my door" kentrell yelled opening the door

"Don't be doing that shit" he said mugging kendell

"How was your day Kentrell? Mines was fine" kendell said making us laugh

"The fuck outta my face" he said walking away

"Where Kay at, she usually be around yb 25/8?" kendell asked

"She left" Ben laughed "she escaped when we all was gon"

"Ha ass kicked rocks away from yb" 3 laughed with him

"Say TENNN" I yelled dapping him up

"I'm so tired of that meme, I should've never said it" kentrell face palmed hisself

"I can't believe Ben fucked a white bitch tho" Jayna said

"The girls up there, y'all can't be in men conversation's" kentrell said and they both got up going upstairs

"Kendell and bway ain't men" they said on the sly

"Fuck y'all too" I said

"Bway play me 3 sorry" ben said

Kidnapped Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora