"You won't end up in a coma, I doubt you will even be hospitalised." Julian insisted, his eyes full of disbelief.

I leaned back, "Check my medical records, smartass, then we'll see whos wrong." I shoved the fork back into the bowl.

"When's the lesson?" Gabe inquired politely, seemingly ignoring my previous statement.

I picked up my mug, "Tomorrow from about eleven till two."

"You know, we can come with you? We're allowed to be in the training room whenever we like," Valeria offered.

I shook my head with a sigh, "I'll be embarrassing myself in front of my new class, I don't want to be embarrassed in front you guys two,"

"Protecting your dignity, huh?" Orion added, an interested expression on his face.

Here was the thing, since... the incident in the hallway, I had been avoiding Orion like the plague. I came into meals late and left early, lingering in the corridors to ensure that I never ran into him, rushing in between classes to avoid seeing him. He had tried to talk to me, but I had managed to defer every possible opportunity for conversation.

If we had made any progress, I had certainly erased it.

I took another swig of my coffee, "Basically, yeah."

"Well, we'll come to visit you at the hospital if you do end up fainting or severely injured," Ivy promised reassuringly,

"I would hope so," I replied.

The topic changed after that, but I couldn't focus, my foot anxiously tapping against the floor.


I was staring in the mirror. I had tied my hair back into a tight ponytail, a loose-fitting tank top and a pair of black leggings. 

I was about to head down to my training lesson, my cheeks already flushed from nerves.

I bid the others, who were casually lounging in front of the tv goodbye as I exited the door and began walking towards the gym. There were two other people in the elevator with me, neither of whom I recognised.

It was easy to get out of the dorm building and towards the training area. It was open from the outside, so I didn't bother coming in through the front door, instead, going straight around and entering through that way.

The class was set to start in five minutes, so people should already be arriving. I could see one large group of people all huddled together, and due to the fact that the rest of the gum was practically empty, I had to assume that they were my class.

I went over and stood with them, lingering towards the back of the crowd. Over the next five minutes, more people turned up, filling up the area where we were standing.

A man walked over in tight-fitting singlet and bike pants, his bald head shiny under the bright, industrial lights.

"You guys are the decided, right?" He asked, looking for confirmation. A few of us nodded our heads, "I'm Terry, and I'm the head of fitness here. Usually, I would be taking these sorts of lessons, but I asked one of my other students to run these lessons for you." 

Terry held up his hand and a man started walking over. His black hair was pushed back with sweat as his eyes darted between Terry and I. He was wearing a pair of long workout pants and was completely shirtless, his tanned skin is pulled tightly over his muscles. Chances are I would only just be able to wrap both my hands around his bicep, the six-pack adorning his chest glinting with sweat.

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