Bruce Speedle

Species: Human

Height: 6'1"

Age: 18

Weapon: Metal Arm Cannon/Blaster

Weapon Name: Grimm-Buster

Semblance: Boost - When the user's aura reaches levels below 50%, agility and physical strength is doubled.


After finding the other three members of his team from Haven Academy beaten to the point of death by unknown assailants while out on a routine mission from Headmaster Lionheart, Bruce J. Speedle decided he didn't want to associate himself with the huntsman academies anymore. What made things worse is that he ended up losing his entire right arm in the whole ordeal while fighting a pack of grimm. Eventually his arm was replaced with an Atlas robotic arm that has several arm cannon/energy blaster functions. This would help improve his fighting style immensely as his previous weapon was mainly focused on ranged combat before it was destroyed. Dropping out of Haven after only attending for a full year due to feeling guilt for the loss of his former team, Bruce began to a slow decline by heavily drinking his sorrows away (sounds familiar doesn't it?) for a period of days. However, this did not last very long. He meets (y/n) and Price in a bar after they helped him fight off a pair of questionable individuals who were tracking down a certain female member of their soon to be completed crew. Considering he didn't have anywhere in particular to go and the bad guys were hot on their tails, Bruce agreed to climb aboard the Southern Cross into the unknown. Bruce is a rather serious and somewhat cold individual. He serves as the stern and strict father figure of Team STAR as he is always giving out advice and passing down his past experiences as a former Haven student to help his team in any way he can.

Callie Anthony

Height: 5'3"

Age: 17

Species: Wolf Faunus

Weapon: Bow Staff

Weapon Name: Sky Vault

Semblance: Copy Cat/Mimic - Copies/mimics the opponent's semblance upon physical contact for a short period of time to use at the user's disposal.


Callie is a cheery and energetic individual who hails from the kingdom of Vacuo. She is very proud of her wolf Faunus heritage and isn't afraid to speak out about the political side of things regarding the faunus either (and that is besides the fact that she is totally against anything the White Fang has recently been doing). Callie didn't want to choose the life of a huntress, the life of huntress ended up choosing her whether she likes to admit it or not. This is mainly due to her not wanting to leave and worry her family being the only child. Callie is an archaeologist in her spare time as a hobby; making her the history, navigation, and research buff of Team STAR. Unfortunately, her archaeological work one day indirectly ended up painting a target on her back while she was following up on some research in Mistral. Callie has been actively researching the relics as part of her biggest expedition yet. While intending to meet with a friend to confirm her findings at the same bar in Mistral where Bruce goes to do his drinking, two men attempt to persuade (which fails miserably) and later attempt to capture her to be brought to their superior who seems to have a high level of interest in the relics. She joins (y/n), Price, and Bruce on The Southern Cross to escape. This would put her on a quite literal crash course to becoming a huntress in training.

The Southern Cross

Locomotive & Train Specs

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Locomotive & Train Specs


4-6-0 Wheel Design + Fuel Tender (with modifications)

Number: 777 (aka Triple 7)

Top Speed: 100mph (potentially faster when in flight mode)

Boiler Pressure/Power Needed for Flight capabilities: Max Pressure of 300 PSI (Pounds per square inch) at high speed.

Fuel/Power Source: Fire Dust & Water

Flight & Off Track Capabilities Power Source: Gravity Dust

Bio: Found abandoned deep in the forests of Anima on an old section of railroad track and later rebuilt by (y/n). The engine, coaches, boxcars (now turret car and ammo cars), and caboose are all older than the ages of Team STAR combined. Before Beacon, the Southern Cross is Team STAR's moving home base of operations. In a short time, it has become well known among the small villages and towns located outside of the 4 Kingdoms. Team STAR is constantly traveling around every corner of Remnant as (y/n) intended when he originally rebuilt it. Saving a few villages from bandits, grimm, and other threats early on in their travels have helped establish The Southern Cross as a friendly sight to most unless you happen to be a bad guy on the receiving end of its steel guns. The weapon systems were the one thing not yet completed before the grimm attack on (y/n) and Price's home village. Thanks to a favor owed by a renowned Atlesian scientist for protecting him from a band of thieves; (y/n) was able to get the weapons systems of The Southern Cross finished, making it a highly advanced battle train. (y/n) spared no sweat or expense making it ready for any situation.

Such modifications include:

Off track operating capabilities

Flight capabilities via gravity dust

Rebuilt Boiler and Cab

Rebuilt and reinforced steel body chassis on engine and coaches/cars/caboose.

2 .50 caliber machine guns mounted in the baggage compartment of the baggage coach

Custom built turret car (courtesy of Atlas: off the books of course) with three gun turrets

Custom built armored ammunition storage boxcar (also by Atlas off the books) armed with a missile launcher.

Rebuilt Caboose with extra crew quarters and auxiliary diesel powered engine in the event Triple 7 were ever to be severely damaged, destroyed, inoperable, or separated from the rest of the train.

The first coach behind the tender houses the crews quarters.

The baggage coach behind it houses passenger seating in the first half and a freight/open room compartment in the second half. Inside the freight room, two .50 caliber machine guns sit adjacent to the large doors on each side of the car; ready to slide outside and open fire on anything/anyone that dares to attack the train.

The turret car is the third car in the train's lineup and is considered by many to be its most dangerous asset. Formerly a standard freight boxcar, it was rebuilt to house rotating gun turrets to take on larger and more dangerous enemies

Cannon Specs:

Turret 1: Left Side facing towards the engine - Twin Mounted Cannons - 12" diameter, Barrel length = 20 ft

Turret 2: Mounted on roof of the turret car - Triple Mounted Cannons - 14" Diameter, Barrel length = 25 ft

Turret 3: Right Side facing towards the engine - Twin Mounted Cannons - 12" diameter, Barrel length = 20 ft

Note: Coaches, Turret Car, and Ammo Car lengths are 36 feet. Caboose is 30 feet long.


There ya have it folks. I'll be updating as soon as I can which should not be too hard with the stay at home order that keeps getting extended in my neck of the woods.

If I enjoy doing this enough even after this whole pandemic is all said and done, I consider making more. But for now, the journey in Remnant begins....

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