Chapter Nine: Spider bite

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Seven years later
"Dude did you get your permission slip signed? " Ned asked as he sat next to Peter, "yeah Aunt May went crazy when I told her where we we're going. " Peter said, Ned had been his best friend since elementary school, most of the kids he knew thought it was funny that he was such a scrawny and out of shape boy. His worst problem though was Flash, he had been picking on Peter since the day they first meet in 2nd grade. "What's up Penis Parker, did you finally learn how to breath and do you still need to use that baby inhaler?" Flash asked in a taunting voice, Peter wanted to do nothing more in that moment then to punch Flash but it would do nothing, as Flash was much stronger then he was and twice his size. "Shut up Flash! " Ned yelled standing up for his best friend, "do you have something to say to me fatty? " Flash asked angrily and Ned backed off as he hated when people called him that, "that's what I thought you both are total losers, let's hope we don't see anything your allergic to Parker or we'll have to help you breath again. " Flash said walking off and leaving Peter feeling enraged, he couldn't help that he had breathing problems and it wasn't like he asked for them. "Don't let him get to you man, its exactly what he wants, " Ned said trying to comfort Peter "I know he just really gets on my nerves, thanks for sticking for me. " Peter said "its not a problem no come on, we don't want to miss the whole field trip because we didn't catch the bus. " Ned said and Peter laughed, "alright I'm coming. " Thankfully the two made it to the bus in time, however because they we're the last ones they had to set in the back of the bus. Infront of them was a girl named Michelle but preferred to be called Mj, who was sketching in her notebook. "I think she's drawing you, " Ned whispered "Ned you shouldn't whisper behind people's back that's rude, " Peter said holding a finger to his friend's mouth so Mj wouldn't hear him. "I like to sketch people in crisis, so I'm drawing Peter, " Mj said not looking up from her notebook but confirming that she had been listening to the two of them. "By the why you two are losers, " Mj commented "that's not very nice, " Peter said giving her a look as she turned her head to look at him "who said I was nice? " She asked with a smile and then turned back to her drawing. Peter felt his face flush and remained mostly silent for the bus ride.
Visiting Oscorbs was amazing, Peter loved science and seeing all the inventions that had been made. "Dude your total geeking out, " Ned commented but Peter didn't hear him as he was to focused on trying to get pictures of everything he saw. In the back of his mind, he felt as if he had been in this situation before where he was in a large room with lots of inventions everywhere. Before he could focus too much at that though, he felt something brush against his back, at first he payed no attention to it but then he felt the brushing go down to his arm and to his hand. Then without any warning he felt a burning feeling go through his whole hand , almost like he had touched fire. Peter jumped causing the glasses he was wearing to fall off and a small black spider feel off his hand, 'oh no that's not good, I think it bit me! ' Peter thought but before he could identify what kind of spider it was, it had already crawled away and Ned who was concerned brought him to their teacher. "Mr. Parker what happened? " "I got bit by a spider, " Peter simply said and the burning feeling started to spread to the rest of his body, he wasn't feeling too good and he needed to look at the bite to make sure he was alright. "Did you see what kind it was? " The teacher asked and Peter shook his head, "you don't look so good Peter I'm going to call your Aunt so she can come and get you. " Peter just nodded and sat on a nearby bench, the burning feeling still hadn't gone away and Peter was worried that the spider may have been poisonous. "You dropped these, " Ned said picking up his glasses and handing them to Peter "thanks, "
Over the next four days Peter felt very different, but he wasn't sure if sick was the right word for it. He was constantly cold unless he was wearing multiple jackets or turned up the heat really high, his hearing had become so advanced that even talking or someone writing on a board bothered him. His sight had also approved so much that he didn't need glasses anymore and he hardly had any breathing problems. He had also somehow gotten really strong as in one day, he had ripped off his shoelaces while trying to tie them, broke the zipper of his backpack and dented his locker while getting his stuff. "What's happening to me? " Peter asked himself over and over,

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