52 Last Day Alive

Start from the beginning

It was later that night when I was in my room when I received a sealed envelope with my name written across the front. Opening it, I read the contents of the short note and my blood ran cold.

A little bird told me you did something you weren't supposed to. I hope you've already said your last goodbyes.

"You băstard." I cursed out loud and looked up to see Gigi staring at me in surprise.

Without apologizing for my foul language, I quickly left my suite. I didn't care that I was only wearing my nightgown and thin robe. Felix, who was standing outside, hurried to catch up with me as I practically raced down the halls.

"Princess, is something wrong?" He asked.

"I need you to do something for me. Go down to Louis and make sure no one is allowed near him. I don't care who they are or what they say. Don't let anyone near him." I commanded seriously.

"Yes, highness." He obeyed instantly.

I was out of breath as I came to Silas' door and pounded my fist against it. I didn't care that the guards standing along the hallway were staring at me in confusion. They could think what they wanted. When the door opened, I pushed my way in and kicked it shut. I got in Silas' face as I jabbed my finger into his chest.

"If you touch Louis I swear I'll make you sorry." I said harshly.

Rather than being intimidated like I was hoping he would be, he had the audacity to smirk down at me. "Too late sweet cheeks. You told your father exactly what I told you not to. You screwed up and now he's gonna pay for it."

"I'm ordering you to stop this." I demanded.

"He's just going to die tomorrow anyway. You should be thanking me for putting both of you out of your misery a day early." He scoffed arrogantly.

"You can't get away with this. I sent someone to protect him. Your minions will never get past him." I said confidently.

"Well, that's too bad because my men were down there first and they're not letting anyone in, so sorry but he's not protected. And now I'm going to make the call in front of you." He said, taking out his phone and typing in a number.

"Don't! Silas!" I screamed, throwing myself at him to try to get the phone.

Rather than simply pushing me away like he had done in the past, he pulled his arm back. He swung it forward so harshly that when his fist struck my head, I was flung to the floor. The impact was more than I'd ever experienced and I was dazed for a second, clutching my head. When I looked up, Silas was holding the phone to his ear.

I crawled to him, reaching up for it again. "Don't do it."

This time his foot made contact with my stomach, knocking the wind out of me. The ceiling met my gaze as my back hit the floor. He just stared down at me with a look of triumph and amusement as I struggled to my knees and crawled back to him.

"Dont, please Silas, I'm begging you." I said breathlessly.

He hadn't given any orders through the phone yet. He was just standing there watching to see what I would do next as he held the device to his ear. Nearing him again, I reached up and clutched his shirt.

"Don't do it." I stammered, having difficulty breathing from the level of pain I felt.

He raised an eyebrow, as if prodding me to beg him more. At this point, I would do anything to get him to drop this.

"Please, Silas. Don't hurt him. I told my father, yes, but he didn't even believe me. Your secret is still safe. Don't make Louis suffer for what I did. Please, just leave him alone." I pleaded.

Exhaling a deep sigh, he placed the phone behind him on the vanity and knelt down to my level. His finger touched under my chin as he made me look him in the eye.

"Perhaps just this once I'll let it slide. It's definitely satisfying seeing you on your knees begging me not to punish you." He smirked.

I resisted the urge to slap his grimy hand away. If this was what I had to do to save Louis, then so be it. I would degrade myself a hundred times over if it meant Louis could continue living another day.

"You're...calling it off?" I whispered.

"Yes, I am. I mean, the king didn't even believe you so there's no harm done." He said. "And besides, I can't wait to watch you see Louis die in person tomorrow."

"You're disgusting." I glared at him as I stood to my feet.

"None of that now. I'd be on my best behavior if I were you." Silas chided mockingly as I walked to the door.

I held in another insult as I opened the door. "Enjoy your power over me. It won't last much longer."

"Oh, I am." He called as I shut the door.

While I felt an immense amount of relief, I was still filled with dread over what tomorrow would bring. This uphill battle was far from over.

Back in my room, I didn't even try to sleep because I knew I wouldn't be able to. I held on to the gladness I felt over keeping Louis alive another night. If I could do that, could I save him tomorrow as well? Sleeping meant tomorrow would arrive sooner, so I avoided it. I didn't want to see the sun rise on one of the two worst days of my life.

Time passed quicker than it ever had before and all too soon the sun was rising over the mountains in the east. I hadn't come up with a single achievable solution.

Five hours.

I had five hours. What was I going to do?

My eyes were heavy from lack of sleep and trying to think of a way to get Louis out of this. I felt like I was going crazy. I dug deep into my closet for the only black dress I owned and put it on. The sunrise outside was beautiful and it would have comforted me, but I couldn't be comforted. Everything would soon end.

I went to one of the floor to ceiling windows and opened it, feeling the brisk morning air rush past me and into my stuffy room. The sun warmed my skin as I stood on the ledge, closing my eyes and breathing in the fresh scent of winter. My hands held on to the sides of the window frame so I wouldn't fall to my death down below. I briefly wondered if the pain from falling would be worse than the pain in my heart at that moment.

"Aria? Are you awake? Where are you?" I heard my father call from the adjoining sitting room. As his footsteps entered my bedroom, his careful tone changed to one of fear as he exclaimed, "Aria!"

I didn't turn to look at him. I didn't want to see him at all.

"Aria, what are you doing? Get away from there!" He sounded terrified and I was confused as to why.

"Leave me alone, dad." I said, remaining in place and staring down at the garden below.

"Aria, sweetheart please come back inside. Don't do this. Don't jump baby." He begged, keeping his distance.

"What? I wasn't..." I frowned, continuing to stare down at the flowers and paths several stories below. Or was I?

"You can't, you have more than yourself to think about." He said urgently from behind me.

"You don't care at all about Louis. You're going to kill him in a few hours!" I raised my voice, letting go of the window frame and balancing on the ledge to scare him.

"I'm not talking about Louis. I'm talking about your baby!" The king burst out.

My hands grabbed hold of the wood again as I turned to look at him. "What?"

He had tears in his eyes and I'd never seen him look so scared before. "I thought you knew and were just keeping it a secret, but clearly you didn't know."

"Know what?" My voice was barely audible.

"That you're pregnant." He replied.


A few people suspected this with the subtle hints I threw in here and there. Who was surprised? But I mean, come on, did Louis ever wear a condom? 😂

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