11 Shivers in the Night

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It was the middle of the night.

The only sounds to be heard were the ticking of my nightstand clock and the breeze rustling through the trees outside the open window. I was having a difficult time staying asleep, despite the comfort of my queen bed. Glancing at the clock beside me, it read 2:34 AM.

Sighing in exhaustion, I nestled my cheek into the plush pillows and closed my eyes, wishing that my nightmares about Louis would stop plaguing me. I was about to doze off when a click alerted me. My eyes opened and I peered into the dark toward the door, which was open.

Wondering who would be coming into my room in the middle of the night, I slowly sat up and held the sheets to my chest. A figure came in, the dark form making its way toward me. I couldn't make out who it was so I reached over to turn the lamp on. A strong hand grabbed my wrist before I could.

"Who are you?" I whispered.

"Shh." The figure said simply.

As he drew nearer, I couldn't make out a face, because he was wearing a masquerade mask and I felt a pang of fear at the sight. I tugged my arm away, but he held on. It was definitely a man.

"Who are you? Let me go. What are you doing in my room?" I asked, speaking at a normal volume now.

"Shush highness. Be quiet." He whispered sharply and then moved forward.

I gasped in alarm when he flung himself onto the bed and laid over me, tossing the covers off my body. Struggling to get off the bed, I hit him and yelled out, "Get off me! I'll scream!"

"Don't you dare." The unfamiliar deep voice growled in warning, clapping a hand over my mouth and pinning my flailing arms and legs down.

My nightdress had risen up to my waist and I wasn't wearing any panties. I fought against his strength, using everything I had to get him off, but he was too strong. I squealed under his hand when he bent his head and began placing sloppy wet kisses all over my neck.

"Stop! Stop!" I cried beneath his palm and struggled with all my night. The feeling of this old man's mouth on my skin made me shake in disgust.

Fear crawled through me at the gravity of the situation and the possibility of what he could do to me.

Managing to knee him in the crotch, he groaned and uncovered my mouth. I let out a scream that would've made the devil himself cringe. I kept screaming bloody murder until the man slapped me across the face.

"Shut up! Shut the hell up! I just want to have some fun with the future queen of Verdelle!" He snapped, lifting my nightgown higher.

"No! No, stop!" I begged, jerking it down again.

I heard a rip and I screamed again. He'd ripped the delicate material down the middle. He slapped me again, but I kept screaming, hoping someone would hear me. I just wanted to go home.

When I felt his grubby hands forcing my legs apart, the door was slammed against the wall. I turned my tear streaked face to see Louis come in, followed by several others. The lights were turned on and I scrambled to cover myself with my torn clothing. The man got off me quickly.

"What the bloody fûcking hell is going on here!" Louis roared, marching up to the man and yanking the mask off his face. I had never seen him before and he was old and ugly.

Clutching the sheets to cover up my body, I choked back tears. "Help me."

Louis turned to look at me and then back at the man whom he held by the collar of his shirt. "What were you gonna do with her, Ken. Huh? Answer me!"

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