46 More Trouble

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When I rolled over in my bed, the clock out in the hall chimed 3. I had gotten less than a few minutes of sleep all night and couldn't stop tossing and turning. My thoughts were on Louis and the fact that he was scheduled to be executed in the morning. And I wasn't allowed to see him.

The longer I laid there, the harder my heart thumped against my chest until I couldn't stand it. I got out of bed, slipping my robe on and sliding my feet into my slippers. I had already tried many times, but I had to try again. I needed to see him.

Quietly, I left the suite. The guards in the hall eyed me, but didn't do anything. So I continued on my way through the halls. I easily found my way down toward the dungeon, passing several guards. The doors leading directly to the dungeon were closed and two guards stood blocking it. They immediately saw me approaching. This was further than I had gotten before.

"Princess Aria, what are you doing down here?" One asked.

I raised my nose, attempting to muster all of the confidence and authority I had. "Open the doors."

The two men glanced at each other. "We've been given strict orders by the king himself not to let you through here, higness."

"Did you not hear me? I said open the fûcking the doors." I pointed behind them.

Louis was so close, just on the other side of those frustratingly strong doors and these two idiots were going to keep me from seeing him. The guards raised their eyebrows in surprise at my language.

"I'm deeply sorry Princess. But we must heed the king's orders over yours." The second one said.

"I'm the king's daughter! I will eventually be queen so you'd better start getting used to obeying me. If you don't open those doors right now and let me in, I'll make you sorry." I said angrily, not knowing where this hostility was coming from. I was just so desperate to see my husband.

The first one lifted a device to his mouth. "We have a problem at the dungeon door. Could you send someone down who can take care of Princess Aria?"

My eyes widened. Anger surged through me and I stepped forward, reaching between them and taking hold of the door knob. One of the gaurds took my wrist gently.

"Your highness, please. I cannot let you through." He pleaded with me, trying to nudge me away.

"Take your hands off me!" I demanded, trying to pull the doors open but they wouldn't budge.

"They're locked." He said.

I groaned in frustration, turning to him. "Unlock it."

"Please, my lady. I can't." He said, fear filling his features.

"You're afraid of my father, I know. But you should be more afraid of me. I just learned that my husband, my love, is to be killed in a few hours and no one is letting me say goodbye. As you can imagine, this whole situation is making me feel reckless and I won't hesitate to-"

"Guards!" I was interrupted by a familiar voice.

I stepped away from the poor guard I'd been harassing and turned to see Finn approaching. He looked worried as he rushed over, wearing a navy blue robe and his red hair was tangled and all over the place.

"What are you doing here?" I growled, prepared to be scolded for coming down here for the millionth time.

He came up to me out of breath and wrapped an arm around my shoulder. "I heard there was a problem."

"Yes, there's a problem. I'm supposed to be a princess, the future queen of Verdelle, yet none of these idiot gaurds will listen to a single thing I say. I need to see Louis. I have to. They're going to kill him!" I cried, tears swiftly filling my eyes before they streamed down my cheeks.

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