8 When She Misbehaved

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Here I was, acting like my own servants back at my palace taking orders from a strange man. I stepped out of the shower, having removed all required hair from my body...except for my private area. I had never done it before and didn't want to start because it made me feel very uncomfortable. I decided I would try persuading Louis' head housekeeper to keep it a secret.

I dried my hair, put on a dress he had chosen for me and walked into my room. A young woman in a neat uniform was standing there waiting for me with a bag on her shoulder. She had smooth brown skin and curly dark brown hair that was in a bun at the top of her head. Though she flashed me a kind smile, I eyed her suspiciously.

"Princess Aria? I'm Quinn, Mr. Tomlinson's head housekeeper. I'm here for your first inspection." She said, setting down her bag and clasping her hands together.

"Inspection?" I murmured, dreading this conversation. She was much younger than I expected she'd be; most likely somewhere around her late twenties.

"Yes ma'am! There's no need to feel awkward. Let's move into the bathroom and I'll check for complete hair removal as quickly as I can so you may be left in peace." She said brightly and started for the bathroom.

I touched her arm, stopping her. "Uh...Quinn. I know we just met, but could I ask a favor of you?"

Quinn gave me a knowing look and shook her head. "I'm sorry highness, but I'm loyal to Louis Tomlinson and him only. If you're thinking of getting out of this bare skin rule, I'm here to tell you too bad. Sorry sweet pea."

"But I just–"

"Come on in here and remove your dress." She said casually, as if this was a normal occurrence.

I fidgeted nervously, not wanting to take off my clothes in front of this stranger. "I didn't...shave my lower area. Please, just let it slide. I don't want to do it."

She sighed, shaking her head and the flyaway curls around her face bounced. "I'm sorry highness, but if you don't shave it right now, I'm gonna have to get the boss."

"Please don't. This is so degrading and humiliating." I covered my face with my hands. I simply didn't want to be forced to obey this completely demeaning rule!

"Your last chance honey dew." Quinn called as she walked out of the bathroom. "I can't make you, not to mention I don't feel like wrestling a naked girl. Guess it'll have to be the boss."

"No, just please keep this a secret. I am your princess! Put yourself in my situation. You wouldn't want to obey him in this either, would you?" I tried pleading to her compassionate side, if she had one.

But suddenly she was gone, my bedroom door being locked again. I stood there staring, the realization of what I'd just done hitting me like a tsunami. I stood there until the door opened again and still I was filled with dread. When Louis appeared, walking inside my room with a satisfied smirk on his face I snapped back into reality.

"Sir I..." I stammered, unable to form words because I was screaming at myself for being so prideful and stupid.

Louis didn't seem angry that I'd disobeyed his rule...he actually seemed pleased. And that frightened me. He crossed his arms over his chest and Quinn stood behind him, explaining what had happened.

"Well well well, princess. Looks like you secretly want me to look at you naked. If you wanted sex from me, you could have just asked." He teased me, knowing that was exactly what I didn't want.

"I'm sorry I just...I don't want to do it. It's horribly demeaning and I wish you wouldn't make me do it." I murmured softly.

He raised his eyebrows, turning to Quinn. "The rope?"

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