22 Speak Up

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Be careful reading this chapter if you're easily triggered.


• Aria's POV •

It seemed as though only a second had passed when really the entire day had gone by. And now I was standing in Louis' bedroom doorway with Quinn behind me and Louis in front of me. It was dark, only the weak light from a lamp inside the room casting its glow across the floor. My wedding dress was bunched up in my fists.

Quinn rested her hand on my shoulder and nudged me forward. "Go on hun. It'll be alright."

My breathing quickened as I heard the door click behind her, signaling that I was now alone with Louis—my husband. I had no idea what was going to happen. He promised he'd never ràpe me, but now we were married. Wouldn't sex be expected? Should I just do it and get it over with? As my hands started shaking, I knew I didn't want to.

Louis broke the heavy silence by handing me a white package wrapped with a pink bow. "I...bought this for you. So I hope you'll wear it since I didn't steal it."

I took it and avoided his gaze, staying quiet.

"Its been a long day. You can take a shower if you like. I won't bother you." He offered, walking over to the adjoining bathroom and gesturing inside.

Reluctantly nearing him, I remembered the last time I had slept in here on day one. He had made me sleep with him, but hadn't touched me. Maybe he would do that again, seeing as I had no choice but to stay in his room from now on.

I swiftly walked passed him without acknowledging him and shut myself in the bathroom. I took a long relaxing shower, trying to calm my nerves and get my mind on something else, but nothing helped. When I got out, I wrapped myself in a towel and wasted more time blow drying my hair until Louis knocked on the door.

"Almost done? It's been nearly an hour." He called through the door.

"Yes." I replied, switching off the blow dryer and opening his gift to see what he wanted me to wear.

When I spotted the silky expensive material of a soft pink nightgown I put it down. It wasn't horribly scandalous, but it was a nightgown, so it was very revealing. He hadn't given me any other clothes so it was either the wedding dress or this. I really didn't want to put the uncomfortable dress back on, so I hesitantly went with Louis' gift. There were matching panties, but that didn't make me feel any less exposed. I studied myself in the mirror and was nervous over how good the nightgown made me look.

When the doorknob rattled, I gasped and wrapped my towel around myself again. It was locked however, so I gingerly went and unlocked it, peeking out. He hadn't changed, but had removed his jacket and unbuttoned his shirt. I could see the skin of his tattooed chest peeking out.

I gulped. "U-um I don't feel comfortable wearing this in front of you."

"You don't have to feel that way around me anymore, Aria." He said.

"Nevertheless I do..." I dropped my gaze because he was staring at me so intently.

He took my hand, leading me out of the bathroom. The bedroom was dark, all of the lights having been turned off and now only the light of the moon through the giant windows illuminated the room. I was breathing so rapidly that I felt faint while he led me toward his bed. He must have noticed how nervously I was staring at the giant bed because he turned me away from it, having me face him instead.

"Try to relax." He suggested, taking my hands and watching my attempt to not hyperventilate.

My lips trembled, not knowing what he expected. I felt like he was planning to claim me. I couldn't speak for fear that I would cry. Should he make me actually do it, I promised myself I would be brave and stay strong. I wouldn't cry. He was my husband now so maybe it was required of me.

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