"Just pondering," Magnus mused. As they were talking they'd been walking around side by side, Alec taking samples of bacon wrapped scallops off any catering tray they passed along the way, exclaiming about how delicious they were.

"As much as I hate to admit it, probably Ragnor," Magnus chuckled. "Though you aren't allowed to tell him. And then Catarina."

"Who is she?" Alec asked.

"An old friend," Magnus answered. "She's a nurse at the hospital nearby. She has a son named Tobias."

"What's she like?" Alec inquired.

"Motherly," Magnus chuckled. "And kind. That is when she isn't mocking me."

"Sounds like family to me," Alec smiled at him, squeezing his arm gently.

"You're turn," Magnus countered. "Who is home to you?"

"Well my parents are divorced," Alec replied. "Mom and dad split custody until we were all eighteen and got to decide where we go. I solved the whole taking sides thing by moving in with Jace and Clary, but my sister and little brother still go back and forth."

"Sounds complicated," Magnus replied.

"Most families are," Alec stated.

"Jace was the one I met with you at the bar right?" Magnus inquired.


"So who is Clary?"

"His wife," Alec explained. "Of four years, but they've been together even longer than that. High school sweethearts."

"Isn't that cute," Magnus grinned.

"Yeah yeah," Alec groaned.

"Not a fan I see?" Magnus smirked.

"I'm glad they're happy," Alec said. "It's just hard being the third wheel to Mr and Mrs Soulmate all the time."

"Very fair," Magnus chuckled.

They walked in silence for a while just taking in the decor. It was a black and silver theme, as the tables rotated in either shimmering silver cloth, or black depending on the placement in the room. But Magnus was most surprised by how much he was enjoying Alec's company, even the silent kind. There was just something calming about the man's presence.

"What do you do for a living if you don't mind my asking?" Magnus finally broke the silence.

Alec quickly finished chewing the mini quiche, he'd shoved in his mouth before speaking. "Don' mind," he mumbled before he swallowed. "I have BA in English, for all the good it's done me," Alec laughed, his speech no longer marred by the consumption of hors d'oeuvres. "I just always loved stories," Alec continued smiling. "From Shakespeare to The Little Mermaid. But once school ended I had a hard time using my degree. I've gotten a couple writing jobs, an article here, a play review there, but in general not an easy niche to break into."

"But a worthy one," Magnus replied. "This does explain why you are so much better at telling stories than I am."

Alec laughed. "Maybe," he said. "Though, I think part of that was you playing along with your friend."

"I wish," Magnus laughed. "I'm not very good at spontaneous and coherent. Well prepared I could probably convince you that the sky is orange, but on the spot I'm lucky if I get the facts lined up in the correct order."

Alec was grinning. In that way people do when they are trying not to smile. It was a good look on him. "That's adorable," Alec giggled.

"Oh hush," Magnus groaned. "I'm a professional, and well established successful lawyer. I am not adorable."

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