A Real Shot

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Magnus hadn't expected a kiss, but he welcomed it. What Alec lacked in experience he made up for with flare. Magnus was still trying to pull himself back down to reality when he saw Alec turned to face Camille. He was staring her down as if she was a bull, not even blinking. Magnus was amazed.

"Well, I say," Camille said, a bit affronted.

"I believe that's your cue to leave," Ragnor said calmly.

"See you later then, Magnus," Camille said, still looking slightly stunned.

No one spoke as they watched her move out of ear shot.

"If the drinks weren't already free the next round would be on me!" Ragnor exclaimed. "That was epic. I've never seen that look on her face before, ever. You rock Alec."

"Thanks," Alec said awkwardly as a beautiful pink blush appeared across his face.

"I agree," Magnus exclaimed. He couldn't believe his good luck. It felt like this man was the answer to all his problems. Who else could have handled Camille like that?

"You single Alec?" Ragnor asked bluntly, breaking the moment.

Alec was clearly taken aback but answered awkwardly, "Yeah."

"Good," Ragnor firmly replied. "Do me a favour and give this bimbo a real shot would ya?" Ragnor gestured towards Magnus. "He's really not so bad once you get to know him. Even if he has a habit of starting things off with fake date invites, and bruised foreheads." Alec laughed, but Magnus was mortified. What the hell was Ragnor playing at!

"That's enough out of you," Magnus said, shooing his friend away with both hands. If he wasn't careful Ragnor would drive Alec away just when things were getting interesting.

"Remember it's a real date," Ragnor whispered with a wink before caving to Magnus physically pushing him away.

"Why I otta," Magnus muttered. Then he turned to Alec. "You don't have to do anything you don't want to do. Ragnor is just being... well Ragnor."

Alec laughed. "It's fine," he said. "I like your friend. He's funny." Alec was smiling at him, and then Magnus realized he was also smiling, without even trying.

"So tell me a little about yourself then," Alec said, after a moment, linking his arm with Magnus's once again.

"Oh, not much to tell," Magnus shrugged.

"I'm sure that's not true," Alec smiled. Magnus waved a dismissive hand, but Alec persisted. "I thought lawyers were all stuffy rich shirts, but you strike me as something else entirely. Did you always want to be a lawyer?"

"The short answer is scholarship," Magnus shrugged. "It was what I was good at so it's where I could get funding."

"You parents didn't help you?" Alec asked.

"They died when I was very young," Magnus replied.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Alec said, looking more upset than Magnus felt about the topic.

"It's alright," Magnus smiled, trying to assure him. "It was a long time ago now."

"Who do you think of as your family then?" Alec asked next.

"What do you mean?" Magnus replied.

"I mean everyone has someone they call home," Alec said easily. It was such a simple question, though never before had Magnus once considered it.

"That's quite a wise thing to say, Alec," Magnus said to him kindly, that easy smile once again playing on his face.

"Is this you avoiding the question?" Alec asked, raising his eyebrows.

Counterfeit BoyfriendOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora