seven : aftermath

Start from the beginning

He nods his head, "Yeah they met like a year and a half ago at Christmas." Okay, it's all becoming clear now.

I check behind me to see if Sabrina was still on the phone. "So are you telling me that they're close?"

He clicks his tongue, " Well not exactly but they are like friends I guess." My body becomes numb with the same anxiety I had when I was with Sammy. A clammy feeling of worry and regret begins to enter my chest tightening it.

Sabrina drags her feet on hardwood, walking back over to us. "So Char's going to go with me but you guys can do whatever, as long as we get some more things off the checklist today." She holds her phone up exposing a list of things under the title 'Wedding.'

"Okay." I nod my head feeling slightly relieved about not having to deal with Sabrina and what might come as of today.

Oliver clears his throat, shifting his weight. "Perfect."

Sabrina begins going on about how she needs to start getting ready and what outfit she's going to wear when I start dozing off and picking at my plate, not even being able to eat at this point. Sometimes it felt like everything's going right and then it takes a sharp left. I look back and forth from her to Oliver wondering what even made them be together in the first place.

She smiles before going into the back and getting ready, leaving me and Oliver once again alone. I was kind of worried about how today was going to go considering I didn't know what time Sabrina is coming back and I didn't know what Oliver had in mind. I read him as very unpredictable.

"So," He turns around leaning his back against the counter. He peers down the hall to check if Sabrina closed the door, "What's the plan today?"

I think for a second wondering what all there was to do around the house. I shrug, "I don't know. I'm sure you can figure something out like you always do."

He grins, pulling a slim container out of his hoodie pocket. "Sounds like a good time."

I roll my eyes, going to plop on the couch and waiting for Sabrina to hurry up and leave.

Three violent knocks on the door deem the house quiet and my head shoots to Oliver. He pressed a finger to his lips before going to answer the door. As soon as it swings open, "Just who I wanted to see." Three men come in, one with a gun in hand and the others wearing black hoodies and baggy blue jeans. The main guy who spoke first is tatted up with a large skull tattoo on his neck. "You owe me." He plops down on the couch next to me and suddenly I feel uncomfortable. "D," He grabs a cigarette from behind his ear and lights it in the living room. "You his fiancé?" He and the two men at the door start laughing.

"Relax," Oliver says taking out his wallet and pulling out a fat wad of cash thumbing through bills. He grabs a portion, holding it to one of the men standing with him at the door. "You don't gotta do all that like you're the cops." Oh, so that's what this is.

D lets out a laugh, puffing on his cigarette. "Man always pays, gotta give you that." He ashes the cigarette then starts pulling a zip-lock bag out of his jacket pocket containing white power. "Sit." The words leave his mouth violently.

Oliver rolls his eyes, "Come on man, my family's here and shit."

He looks him directly in the eye. "Sit." Oliver moves around the couch with a huff, sitting on the couch opposite to me giving me a sorry look. "Now, since you so rudely interrupted me." D begins to pour the substance on the table which I now presume is coke and pushes it into a line with his finger. "You wanna go first, princess?" He tosses the cigarette on the carpet, clutching the gun in his lap as his dark eyes start moving to me.

"Only if I get a prize," I say with a laugh, knowing damn well I was not doing that shit.

He clenches his jaw and I notice Sabrina peeking out from the hallway. D snaps, "Get back in the room bitch. we're talking business."

Oliver tightens his fists, "Ay you not gonna disrespect us though." I hear her footsteps head back into her room hurriedly.

"Ain't no disrespect, she doesn't belong in this conversation." He points at me, "Shorty on the other hand was already involved. Now do it." He taps his gun on the table making the glass vibrate. I could see the fumes radiating off of him, pressing myself away into the side of the couch.

Standing up and kneeling next to me in front of the table, Oliver snorts a line, pinching and rubbing his nose after. He seemed calm taking it like it had been some ritual at parties between him and his friends. D and his two minions start laughing, "Atta boy. Now your turn," He turns to me with the sly look on his face and I could tell I was face to face with a killer.

Realizing that I was 100% in a dangerous situation, I lean down next to Oliver and snort the second line without hesitation. My nose and the inside of my throat burns and I begin to cough, pinching my nose hard. D grins widely, scooping the remainder into his pinkie nail and liquefying it into his gums. "I like her attitude." He points at me approvingly. "So who are you I ain't seen you before..."

Oliver answers for me, "Don't worry bout it."

D sits for a minute with a straight look on his face before bursting into a fit of laughter. "Good doing business with you." He looks from me to Oliver, standing up from the couch and tucking his gun in the back of his pants. "See you soon Olly boy." He and the two men disappeared out the door, leaving me and Oliver fucked up in the living room. Oliver stumbles to close the door, rushing back to me.

"You okay, have you ever done this before?" He grabs my face worriedly, looking back and forth from my left to right eye.

I grab his hand. "I'm fine, what the fuck was that?" My heart rate rises and suddenly the temperature begins to rise.

"Devin, I owed him some from the last time I picked up before we went to Boston." I nod, now understanding that he's in some deeper shit than he made it out to seem. A door opening makes him change his position, snatching his hand away from my face the time I needed it most. "We'll talk privately later." He says with a hushed tone before Sabrina emerges from the hallway.

"Are you fucking kidding me, Oliver?" She crossed her arms, looking at me. "You said he wasn't coming back are you serious right now?"

"It was only because my mom died that I couldn't pay Brina, I'm like fucked up right now at least yell at me sober." He waves her off, laying back down on the couch and putting his arm over his head.

She scoffs and walks over to me. "Are you OK did he make you do it?"

"I mean," I start looking at Oliver laying solemnly. "I only did it cause he had a gun." I only did it for Oliver. The effects start kicking in and I feel a different high than weed slowly changing my vision.

"Well." She gets up and heads to the kitchen. "You'll feel full effects in like an hour for now just stay hydrated. I'll get you some water sis."

"So y'all dealt with this before?"

"Yeah." Oliver shifts, rolling to face me. "He fucked up the house with his little friends last time."

Damn. "And you haven't done anything about it?"

He shakes his head. "Honestly, they got a lot of people. Lot of straps, well known. I should've never hit him up." I feel the need for revenge growing inside of me.

"Maybe we should change that..." I hiss before suddenly everything goes black.

" I hiss before suddenly everything goes black

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