The Realistic Dream

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Wind blowing in her hair. Beautiful summer day. Riding downtown our her favorite Harley bike. On her way to get her man, Opi.
Opi was 6'2. Over 200 lbs of all muscle. Brown, beautiful straight hair goes to his shoulders, but slicked back. And a full beard. Beautiful light blue eyes. And full of tattoos from his next to his feet.
He was just released from prison. He spent 5 years in prison for assault on a man who tried to rape his ol lady.
It was suppose to be a perfect day in Hoiltown.
Until she realized when trying to stop at a stop light, her brakes were cut. She was looking around for any possible way that she could crash with less injuries and without hurting innocents. Before she found a way, she trashed right behind a semi truck.
Right when she hit the truck, her eyes opened and she sat up in an unfamiliar bed.
Pouring sweat & looks next to her. A man she didnt recognized his sleeping next to her. Some rich man and looked around the room & realized it was all a dream. Or maybe it wasnt.
She was in an accident 2 years ago & she had no memories of her life. When she woke up in the hospital, this man named Jared explain to her that they were engaged and they had 4 kids together. She couldnt remember anything. But she went with it. No memories ever came to her.
Jared is a wealthy lawyer. But he's he isn't the type of lawyer you'd call about a minor situation. All of Jared's clients were thugs, gangsters & criminals. And he got them out of jail or prison sentences 85% of the time.


"Good morning my beautiful fiance."
As he kisses her cheek while Nikki is making bacon, eggs & toast for the whole family.
Annabelle is dressed up like a Princess singing Frozen songs.
Dale is watching tv from the kitchen table waiting for his food.
Jake is arguing with his sister about her singing. (They never get along)
And finally Donnie is falling asleep at the table. He hates being woke up early.
Today was their first day back to school. Nikki excited to have the kids go to school so she can get alone time. After Nikki finished cooking the doorbell rang. Jared reading the paper and the dining table and asked Nikki to get it. She takes off her apron and goes to open the door. Then she is stunned at the man who was about to yell at her. Then he seen her. And his eyes widen and he went speakless. She recognized him from her dreams. Her looked at her like he just seen a ghost. Then it turned completely into anger. Started yelling at her.
"How could you do this to me Nikki?"
She was confused, but stayed silent.
"You're not even going to anything? I go to prison for you, i come out and you're no where to be found. 2 years later i find out my lawyer set me up with my prison time and your LIVING with him?"
She was beyond confused. She tried saying that she didn't know who he was, but it wouldn't come out. She knew him. But how?
"Uhmm, Jared someone here for you. And I think he's confused."
Jared comes to the door and realizes who it is. He slams the door and pulls Nikki away. She's scared because she never seen him scared and mad at the same time before.
"What did he say to you?" Jared started yelling, "did he hurt you?"
She was confused. Opi knew her. But Jared acting like everything is normal.
She needed to find out how to get her memories back. And she needs to know whats real and whats not. Is she ready for this?

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