•Chapter Eight 🔞•

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Warning : Mature content ahead read at your own risk.
If you don't like forced love or scene that would be somehow triggering to some of the readers, then it's not for you.

Flashback ~

Taehyung's Pov ~

I was just leaning on my door frame watching her run away from me with an evil smirk plastered on my face as I glanced at my wrist where she left her marks. Her teeth marks to be exact as she bite and pushed me away when I can't control myself infront of her. But I was ragging inside because of her denials and her rejection. Which I honestly don't let slide easily at all.

But to be honest i never expected her to came to me in the first place not alone atleast as I know by the time she get to know what the exact matter is and whom her parents are messing with. I know her filthy of a dad had told her about me when he get the chance as we decided. But I never thought she will come to me and the dream I had of her's into my arms would get true so early. But no I know I wanted my revenge but I also wanted her. She becomes my obsession from the day I set my eyes on her.

I know the reason of mine to get married to her is my revenge but it's a complete lie if i said that there's no other reason of mine to do this. Actually I want her to be mine as I never crave someone like this before. Sluts and even girls and women from prestigious families drooled over me but I doesn't pay any attention of them as I know they are behind me cause of my money and my looks. They are Sluts that craved money and sucks that's all. Even those girls and women who sent there proposal were also the same. They don't want my love or care it's not like I gonna love her or taking care of her but it's just that I am craving her my body felt like it's has it's own mind that it doesn't pleased by any other women but her. So I want her to be mine anyhow. That's why I thought why not aiming two preys with one arrow and you know what i did exactly what I wanted.

She left me alone and hard as hell

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She left me alone and hard as hell. As I looked down at my pants and there's a prominent tent I rolled my eyes as it's obvious. She was really something. The moment she came I don't admit but i felt somehow happy to her. To see that the one I want to be with me forever was herself decided to showed up. So I thought she was here to talk about our marriage and stuff that was about to happen. But when she denied my proposal when she denied to get married to me. I lost it the glass in my hand broke into pieces and the blood that was making the a puddle of it was nothing of my concerns as my brain was stuck on her denial.

No one. Absolutely no one ever said 'No" to me. But she did and I could felt my blood boil to no extent at that as my voice sounded so grave yet scary when I asked her to "what she said just now? " and she can't utter words after that I knew it whenever I got angry I became the monster and people would scared me for there dear life. But I control myself and my anger just for her as I take fast steps towards her.

Cruel Fate | Kim Taehyung | Fanfiction | Smut 21+Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora