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Stiles's POV:
The room was cold. And quiet. The walls seemed like they were caving in towards me. You didn't need to be a werewolf to hear how fast my heart was pounding. I closed my eyes in hopes that it would slow down but it didn't and if I'm being honest, I didn't expect it too. Not after what just had happened.

"Please state your name." The detective in front of me said, breaking my thoughts as I looked over at him

"Stiles. Stiles Stilinski." I softly replied back, my voice losing its power as I choked out my name.

"Stiles, can you explain the past events that happened earlier today?" I didn't move. I couldn't move. I barely had enough time to process what was happening, yet alone tell someone else what had happened.

"It's okay, Stiles, take your time." I heard my Dad say as he placed his hand on my shoulder.

"D-Dad, I-I can't do this." I said as I looked down at the cold, silver table, wiping away the tears that had escaped my eyes and landed on the table. I got ready to stand up before my Dad had placed a hand on my arm, gently keeping me down in the seat. "Dad, I-I'm not ready to talk about this."

"I know, Stiles, but we have too. They have to know what happened in order to determine how to proceed forward." Dad told me as I shook my head, tears now streaming down my cheeks.

"What happened earlier tonight?" The detective repeated as I shot them a look through my blurred eyes.

"C-Can I just have a fucking minute?!" I screamed as I buried my head in my hands, looking away from the detective and my Dad. "I-It happened so fast, I-I don't really remember anything."

"Do you know the weapon that was used against Mr. Hale?"

I looked up, my hands were still shaking as I fiddled with my fingers. "I-It was a gun that had killed him but h-he was also wounded by a k-knife, I think. It was dark, I-I couldn't really see anything."

"A gun had killed him but you said he was wounded with a knife too?" I nodded. "Let me see if I'm understanding this right, in your statement you said it was hunters. Hunters that had killed Derek Hale."

"Yes." I said as I looked him right in the eyes. "Hunters killed Derek Hale."

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