Sweet but Psycho

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It's half past six and I just could not get myself to relax. I've tried exercising, stretching, anything. I've even tried to sleep and nothing is working! I just can't get her out of my head.

She's driving me fucking crazy!

I leaned against my bedroom door, "Damn it! Why do I feel like this?!"

Ever since that fight her sister and I had after the festival, the confusion and frustration between Riley and I has been exhausting. This all started the night I saved her.

Deku, Uraraka and the rest of us were on our way back to the dorm when we heard a huge crash. We turned and saw their car smashed into the sidewalk roadblock. Window glass was everywhere and smoke was rising out of the hood.

Icy Hot and Iida were the first to run over to check it out, I stayed back.

Deku and Uraraka were not too far behind but, Uraraka saw I wasn't helping. Over and over she kept telling me to, I still refused to. I figured they could save them without me, then I saw Riley.

She was still conscious and trying to see if her parents and sister were moving, they weren't. That's when I saw her sliding down lower and took off for her.

I wonder if she remembers what she said about me in the hospital...

There were muffles in the hall next to my room, I put my ear against the door.

"Where did Kacchan go?" it was Deku.

"He went to his room to lay down." that was Kirishima, I listened more.

"Of course he did..." Deku trailed off. I heard someone else come running.

"Do either of you two find it strange that Bakugou's acting weird?" asked Uraraka.

"He's been that way since you guys saved Riley and Anna last year," Kirishima said.

"I know. I meant, he's acting even weirder especially after Riley stopped him from hurting Anna." Uraraka said.

"And after their fight during the Sport's Festival too," Deku added.

"I'm not gonna lie, I did see them have an argument before their fight that day," Uraraka said again.

My face went warm. Shit! She saw all of that?!

"What was it about?" asked Deku, I heard Kirishima laugh.

"I think I know," he said.

I was trying so hard to not smash through the door and punch him. Shut up, you moron!

"Meaning?" Deku asked again.

"You can't be that oblivious, can you?" Kirishima said again.

"No! I know somethings been going on with Kacchan!" Deku added.

"He totally has feelings for her, I've seen. You got to admit that she acts just like him sometimes, he always wants to fight her." Uraraka said.

"Yeah. Plus, he gets crazy jealous when other guys are talking to her too. He gets extremely jealous if it's Deku or Todoroki." Kirishima added.

I'm going to murder all of them!

"I know that! I just wasn't completely sure... But after everything's that's happened since Riley's been here, he's different." Deku said.

Deku, you damned nerd! You know nothing!

"I've heard enough!" I said out loud and started to get up. That's when I heard Icy Hot running down the hall and stayed put.

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