Battle Royal

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The sun warmed my face and the wind whipped through my hair as I ran on. I haven't felt this good in a long time. I finally get to show what I'm capable of and how good of a hero I can become. It feels amazing!

I saw a cliff up ahead and came to a sudden stop. Once again Bakugou, Todoroki, and Deku were already there. None of them were in their attack mode and I saw why. In front of them was a huge open trench filled with cylinder-like pillars. My heart started to race, I felt it through my entire body.

I gasped, "Oh shit!"

Bakugou turned to me, "What's with that face? Is it too scary for you?"

I glared, "Shut up! I can do it! I told you I'm going to kick your ass!"

He returned it, "HELL NO! Nobody's going to beat me this time!"

"Will you two shut up and do it! Todoroki's already gone." Deku cut in.

"Shut up Deku!" we said as he took off.

Bakugou raged, "Deku, you damned nerd! I'm gonna destroy you!" and he to was gone.

I was alone. Damn it! I lost my focus! Thanks a lot, Bakugou!

"What a turn! How will Riley Akira get through this!" Mic commented.

I heard people starting to come up behind me, a lot of them from Class 2-A. I looked behind and saw only a few of my classmates show up. Rita and Kaito were two of them, I smiled. Don't go by them! You need to focus!

"Right," I mumbled and turned back to the trench.

I looked ahead and saw that the guys were just inches away from the other side. Think fast, Riley! What will get you over there quick enough?

That's when I saw the ropes attached to the pillars. That's it!

I jumped to the right and landed on the closest pillar. Thank goodness there are ropes attached to them or I would be screwed.

"Water Ice Shield!"

My hand turned as I brought it to my feet. I jumped onto the rope with it and slid my way down to the other side. Alright!

"Would you look at that! Riley Akira is using her shield like a surfboard to slide down the ropes! That's skill right there!" Mic said again.

Faster and faster I slid down. I have a pretty good balance so it was pretty easy for me. I made it to the end and jumped onto the ground. I melted my shield down again and ran to the final test. If it's the same as last year, I'll be heading straight into a minefield.

I kept on running and running, that's when I caught sight of Deku. He, Bakugou and Todoroki were just about to cross the field when I heard an explosion go off. I jumped a foot and smacked right into Deku.

We fell down with a thud. His green eyes met mine and his face went crimson. Turns out when we fell, I landed on him front first. My chest was resting on his stomach. My face burned crimson.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry, Deku! I just got scared for a second." I said quickly and got off him. Oh my god! I hope Uraraka didn't see that!

He was still blushing, "It's fine, Riley! It's all good!"

I laughed a little and helped him up. "So it is the mine filed again, then."

"Seems like it. You better hurry, Bakugou and Todoroki are halfway to the middle." Deku said and pointed into the pink smoke.

"Shit! I didn't see that!" I said and went onto the field.

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