Bar Tops.

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Ase? We haven't spoken in months. How is it going?

Good thanks, sorry about not getting in contact. Work took a turn. If it helps I haven't had much contact with anyone. How are you doing?

Good. My boys have just left for school so I have the day to myself. Callum is away all day so it is a little lonely.

I'm pretty sure my boss will have me on office duty for a few days or weeks so I will be free for a lot of today. It's just Spencer and me who will be at the station. I don't even know where we are going but I am in the jet.

Why are you in the office?

Some idiot accused me of something and then I started mourning Tim. I was locked up for a few weeks as well. Not my best few weeks if I am honest.

Oh, baby. Wait, Spencer. As in, the genius that hates you? Is your boss an idiot? 'You were wrongly accused of something and sent to prison, here, work with a man that dislikes you and makes you feel useless.' The last time you spoke about him you were really down about how he didn't like you. I have never seen you so upset that a person doesn't like you.

No, we get along now. It's confusing. I don't get it really. He hated me when the team were around and made a few comments but when we were alone he was as sweet as honey. When the team were around he avoided me and acted really strange but when we were alone, he spent his life so close to me that I could feel his breath, he was still verbally distant but often he ended up touching me as well.

Maybe he didn't hate you after all.

I don't know anymore. He asked me out and I refused. Then agreed and the truth is, I don't know why but I want to impress him and he gives me butterflies and when he didn't like me, I was beside myself. Absolutely gutted that he didn't like me, suddenly, he decided that I am a snack that he will enjoy. The mixed signals that boy gives. Honestly, it could give the weak among us whiplash.

Have you told him this?

No, I have cried in front of him too many times and every time he is near me I get stupid. He must think I purposefully misspell things. He has to correct my spelling all the time but I only ever misspell when he is around. Normally the word looks weird so I look it up but when he is around, easy words like 'Toronto' are apparently unspellable.

You like him as well. You two are a pair of hopeless romantics and it is painful to see. Or hear rather. When this case is over, both of us are going to a spa and you can relax with me. Now, where did you first kiss him?

Nowhere. I agreed a few weeks ago to go on one date and then I stopped talking to people. Oh, that reminds me, I have no food in the house. I took to eating tinned fruits like peaches.

Why did you even have them in the house?

Look, I'm not judging you for your life choices so please, explain to me how I can function as a normal human. I swear that was a life lesson that I skipped out on.

You didn't skip out on it, you never needed it before. Now though, you need a plan for what comes next.

Nope, I have a case to work so I will talk to you later. Bye, bye, love you lots.

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