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Darkened eyes looked through the already shady glass. Disbelief at what had been spoken was filling the two rooms as Morgan just watched. His eyes taking a view of her.

"She should have told us. We should have known that before she became our friend." Spencer was at a point of losing his cool but one look from Emily told him to simmer down.

"There's more. What aren't you telling me?" Morgan held no resentment but curiosity as he crouched down to her level.

"Something that I hope you will never find out. Even if it means I plead guilty to a murder I never committed." Her eyes were glossy again and the sound of the conversation carried into the ears of the two other agent's ears.

"What do you think it is?" Spencer was so ghostly that Emily couldn't bear it.

"Drug mule." She joked and Spencer smiled before biting it back and looking through the glass again as Freddi entered and started the interview for a second time.

"Ms Atlas. When did he start hurting you?" Astrid stilled and watched him grow closer.

"In what sense?" Her eyes challenged him and there he stilled.

"The telling you that you aren't good enough. The hitting, the intimate nature of it all. We spoke to one of your friends. Alice." As soon as the name was even mentioned Astrid placed her hands over her face and tears spilt over.
"It never happened, did it? A confident woman like you in the force. You would have said something. Told him to leave you alone." He was accusing her and it seemed to be too much but as Morgan went to defend her she looked up with red eyes and no more fresh tears. Her voice was shaky and even she hated how it sounded.

"And you wonder why I didn't say anything." Was all she had to mutter for Freddi to step back with his hands behind his back, pacing. Nothing would stop him.

"Do you have any marks?" His question could have frozen fire.

"Yes. Five. Only one is visible though." She spoke like a quiet child.

"Quiet, inconsistent voice. Sudden emotional bursts and an inability to remain still. I am a profiler and it would do well for you to notice these things, Freddi. These things suggest that Astrid here can't process what is happening." Morgan stepped menacingly as his body grew in stature and Freddi shrunk.

"It's fine Derek. He only has 24 hours to get me to confess or slip up. The BAU has had to do riskier things." Her hand met his and there Morgan stuck before sitting in the chair beside her.

"Can you show me the other marks?" Astrid had to pull her eyes from the one-way glass before looking at him.

"They aren't visible because I have tattoos. Each of them meaning something about what happened or how I was dealing with it. I got them in the 9 months between Tim dying and joining the FBI. One of them is still too sensitive for a tattoo to cover it but I can tell you about them if you want." Freddi's eyes seemed to fill with a mix of emotions that even he couldn't decide.

"Fine. I want pictures though." Astrid shook her head and smiled.
"Let the record show that Astrid is refusing." As he spoke her eyes danced around the room.

"Most of them are in intimate places. The thigh, the sternum, my back. I don't want pictures taken for the same reason I don't act in a porno. My body is mine and I have spent the past two years trying to actually believe that. Nothing is going to take that away from me now." Freddi nodded and then signalled for Morgan to leave.

"No. I want someone in here with me. Maybe he could hold my hand like a real gentleman would." A smile was given as she spoke but it was sarcastic and pained.

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