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Spencer let his hands fall into the files but they soon moved and grabbed his coffee from Astrid as she got back to her seat. The computer filling with words and most of them took her too long to read but she couldn't give up because she was different. She just had to fight harder.

"Another woman was found last night." Prentiss had closed her eyes for a moment before opening them once again.

"Nothing like people dying to make you feel useless. I don't even know what to suggest anymore." JJ was normally so upbeat and jolly but something had just snapped.

"Come on guys. We have a case to solve and families to reassure. Don't get me wrong, I hate the fact that we can't catch them as much as you do but we have this." A strength that the team had never seen before was emerging from the bubbly agent.

"Astrid. How are you so happy right now? Don't get me wrong I love it but out of all of us you seem to be the most pessimistic." JJ questioned as she began her work with a little more enthusiasm.

"You have your secrets and I have mine. Now, I have been out. Sorry your coffee took so long Spencer but I grabbed some treats for us all. We do deserve it after all and don't worry about what has happened in the past. The present is the only thing that you can change." Astrid's face was full of cheer as the work was in action again.

"Thanks, " Rossi commented as he grabbed something off of the table and winked at her with a gleaming pair of eyes.

"These are my favourite, " Spencer told her as he dove into the doughnuts with chocolate icing and piles of sprinkles.

Morgan fancied a glass of water and so brought himself from the crowd and headed into the kitchen but as he walked in, Astrid stood. Her eyes staring at the wall as her eyes glazed over and threatened to spill tears out. Like she was possessed her body was perfectly still and brown eyes danced to themselves. A frown was engraved into her features as well as the worry lines that he had never noticed before that moment.

"Hey, Morgan. Have you seen..." Spencer stopped as a strong hand lifted and then the woman was seen in some trance. Pain creeping through her features as the seconds drew on.

Both men watched as her body began to shake a little and then fingers twitched before tears really did slip down. It was fascinating that she had been able to keep such a specific and stock-still position.

"Astrid." Spencer finally spoke as he couldn't handle the upset that was scratching at her face.

"Sorry." She blurted and a jump was seen and then her tears were wiped from her paled face and colour was draining back into it before she turned around.

Nothing was heard as she worked away. Water had filled the glass cup before her and then a hand was on her arms. Derek hugged her from behind as Spencer watched awkwardly.

"I'm here for you." He spoke clearly into her ear and as he spoke she brought distance between them as she stepped away.

"And I am fine. We should head back in." She then sniffed and smiled again. The happy and cheerful side had slipped out again as she gulped down her cup and placed it into the sink.

"What's wrong?" Astrid looked at him pleading before looking at Spencer for some help. He didn't do anything as he hoped to see what was going through her mind.

"Don't bring him into this. We are supposed to be a team and this is what teams do." Astrid shook her head.

"Teams hurt and break people. Anyway, Spencer, you have been happier the past few cases. To whom do I owe the pleasure?" Her eyebrows wiggled as she turned to face him again and walked right up to the door where he still stood.

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