Giving Up.

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"Come on guys. Three weeks and we have nothing. I don't understand how he has the right to keep her in for that long." Morgan was pacing as the floor to the BAU was filled with the team working overtime. Their usual cases had to be solved and their friend was yet to be freed.

"Maybe he has something but he is waiting for her to buckle." As soon as JJ said it she bit her lip. It was a bad time to make such an accidental pun but they all missed it, seemingly.

"This is all-natural. The wearing down on the belt, it was an old car. The breaks were all weak. By the sound of it, Tim wasn't the type of man to argue with so it can't be her fault. Surely." They were stumped and nothing could be seen to place her in trouble.

"Why don't we get a judge to challenge it?" Spencer piped up.

Astrid wasn't doing so well either. It had taken almost a week to process but she did and slowly the food was not eaten. Hunger would strike but slowly as she nibbled if it got bad but the butterflies in her stomach filled her most of the time.

"Okay. Come on out." It was the same officer that she had worked with for years. She couldn't know if he was clued in with what was happening but Ainsley had always been a little cautious of Tim. He stuck up for her, only when they got home he made her suffer for it.

"Thank you, Ainsley." His dark and smiling face was all she needed to brighten her day.

"I have heard things. How can he keep you here still? And you know it isn't legal." He couldn't believe that she had allowed the injustice.

"This is Freddi. He probably lied to the judge and you know as well as I do that he has always wanted to blame someone for Tim's death. Tim was perfect so he couldn't be the one to blame." Astrid saw a glimpse of two agents and Astrid's smile grew as they kept coming back to see her and make her feel better.

"Get some sleep." She cast and all Astrid could do was hope that they had heard her.

"Astrid. I am tired of these games. Why not just admit to damaging the car? He was your husband who, according to you, was harsh." He had just spoken when the door opened and an unfamiliar face met the pair. Freddi seemed to recognise the woman though and it struck fear into him.

"This is over. Astrid, I would like to apologise for what he has done but I assure you that it won't be forgotten." Her voice held a trace of bitterness and eyes dug deep into him before the cuffs were undone and the smile that greeted her was wide. Spencer stood with pride in his features.

"Dr Reid. You did it." She breathed as a hug was begun and tears fell into his clothes.

"You should probably get changed." Astrid had barely pulled herself away when he spoke but some of her clothes from the go-bag were seen and her smile was even wider. It would be good to get out of the orange.

Tight black jeans were worn and a yellow leotard was worn under. The mustard was as bright and black trainers were worn with small socks. Finally, it was over.

"Spencer. Will you take me home? I can talk to the team tomorrow but I'm tired. Freddi had me in that room at all hours. Barely slept." Spencer nodded and guided her to the car. It was different from the cop car that had brought her to the place.

"Astrid. I have been thinking and I want to tell you that I understand now. What you meant when you told me that you have had relationships in work and they don't last." His body was moving with the car as he took her back to the small house.

"I have also been thinking and I realise that it didn't work in the past but like I always say. We can only change the present. Sorry for what I said before. It wasn't fair." His eyes looked to her and then he was focusing on the road again.

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