Commander Iverson nodded in understanding, but saw who Pidge was holding.

Commander Iverson: May we also ask why the youngest is holding a baby? And why Keith looks like a purple humanoid tiger?

Pidge curled up in her seat as she felt a couple disappointed glares at her. Keith wrapped an arm around her.

Keith: That wouldn't just be her fault, Sir. It would also be mine.

A few began glaring at Keith, but nobody was really surprised.

Pidge spoke up quietly.

Pidge: Would it be inconvenient for you to contact my mom, sir...? My father and brother are alive and well as well, but I wasn't sure if you knew that.

Commander Iverson waved his hand.

Commander Iverson: It wouldn't be an inconvenience in the slightest. In fact, we already called her when you opened the gate and walked in. And yes, we know that your father and brother have arrived home safely, but thank you for bringing it up anyhow.

Pidge nodded, trying to look as professional and credible as possible with everyone looking at her like she was the most irresponsible human on the planet.

Admiral Sanda cleared her throat.

Admiral Sanda: So, you mentioned that you were at war against a tyrannical society of Galra? Should I need to point out how strange it is that your teammate and father to your child is a Galra himself?

Shiro raised his hand.

Shiro: With all due respect, ma'am. The last time our team harped on this fact caused the majority of our major shortcomings and problems recently. It caused us to lose two Paladins, one lion who refused to choose another Paladin, Pidge nearly dying from childbirth all alone because she was a afraid we would bring harm to their son. Coran left, Lance left, then Hunk and I left. And for all we know now, the remaining part of the team that still hates Keith is still looking for us.

James spoke up without thinking.

James: I mean... what else could you expect? Keith has caused plenty of trouble in the past.

Keith: Over six years ago, you mean.

James frowned.

James: Try defending yourself when you and the girl with the glasses are able to wait a while and not get yourselves in a tough spot, Hmm?

Keith's ears went down.

Keith: I acknowledge that what happened was a mistake. It was an accident, it was not intentional. But at least I am taking responsibility for it, and so is Katie.

Admiral Sanda tapped Pidge on the shoulder.

Admiral Sanda: Your mother is in the other room to talk to you.

Pidge nodded, Keith offered to hold Marco while she talked to Colleen, which Pidge was grateful for.

Marco immediately snuggled up to Keith, who held him close and comfortably. This made James go a bit quiet.

Pidge walked into the room, locking eyes with her mom. She no doubt knew everything that happened.

Pidge: M—Mom, I... I swear, I can explain, just let me—

Pidge was suddenly pulled into a bone-crushing hug.

Mrs Holt: Oh thank goodness you're okay! Your brother and father told me what happened, now...

Pidge: Wha—OW!

Pidge got smacked over the back of her head, leading her to glare at her mom.

Mrs Holt: That's what you get for drafting yourself into an intergalactic war without telling a single person here!

Pidge groaned and rubbed the back of her head.

Pidge: Ugh... Fair enough... and, the next one is for getting myself knocked up...?

Colleen narrowed her eyes and shook her head.

Mrs Holt: That was it, Katie. There is no "next one". I mean, you're twenty, I was expecting something to happen in the not so distant future, and besides, it's better than you still being a teenager. And it looks like your part of the war is over.

Pidge looked down.

Pidge: Actually... no it's not. We beat Zarkon, but we still have a few major players to take out before we can call it safe.

Colleen rolled her eyes.

Mrs Holt: Well just don't get yourself killed, okay? Now, may I meet this young man you're with and my grandson?

Pidge smiled and nodded. They pulled each other in for another hug.

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