Chapter 7.

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Three Months Later
Pidge sat next to Keith holding Marco. Pidge gently kissed the baby's forehead and smiled at Keith. Who smiled back and pulled her closer to him. Pidge closed her eyes and relaxed, so did Keith.

Pidge now looked like her normal self again, although she grew her hair out a little. The couple just sat and relaxed. Until they heard Marco cooing loudly. Both giggled an Keith gently picked the baby up. Marco smiled at Keith and reached both his hands towards his face.

Pidge: Aw... look who loves his daddy...

Keith laughed and held Marco closer to him. Allowing Marco to put both hands on his cheeks, giggling and smiling.

Keith: I love you too buddy...

Pidge looked up at the sky, just like she used to do whenever she was on a different planet while she was having Marco. As the memories came back she frowned.

Pidge: Keith, do you think the team will find us here? And if they do... how long will it take...?

Keith hugged Pidge and frowned as well.

Keith: Kolivan said there weren't any trackers on the ship... and there's a good chance they think we've gone to Earth... We'll be okay...

Pidge looked down.

Pidge: Why do I feel like that's what we said right before the team got Marco and I...?

Keith: I don't remember saying that when that happened... but still, this time we'll be prepared. If they find us here, I know how to get them off our trail and we'll fly somewhere else, preferably a place with higher security...

Pidge giggled and smiled up at Keith. A little bit later Coran asked to hold Marco and Keith and Pidge agreed. Coran and Lance were outside relaxing with Marco while the couple was inside. Pidge and Keith sat next to each other on the bed when Pidge smirked and gently kissed Keith's mark. Keith looked at her blushing making Pidge giggle.

Pidge: You know you look really cute like that~

Keith tilted his head at her in slight confusion.

Keith: Was that just a random kiss or are you suggesting something?

Pidge shrugged.

Pidge: Depends on your response, though I will say I was intending on that to be a suggestion.

Keith blushed a little again before smirking and pulling her in for a kiss. Quickly enough as you'd expect the two were in bed together after making sure the door was locked.
The Next Day
Pidge cuddled up to Keith as they laid in bed together, remembering what had happened the previous night. She opened her eyes for a moment seeing Marco sleeping in the large basket they made into a crib. The past three months have been very peaceful and calm. Something Pidge and Keith have been needing for quite a while.

Pidge: "Makes me worry what the team is up too sometimes... where are they anyway...?"

She looked up at Keith who was gently holding her in his embrace.

Pidge: "At least I have my friends and family with me..."

Pidge smiled and closed her eyes again, before hearing something outside. She carefully moved out of Keith's grip so she couldn't wake him up and stood. She did give Keith a gently kiss on the forehead before getting up again. Quickly pulling on her clothes she peeked out the door. She then heard something moving the bushes behind the ship.

Pidge: "Maybe I'm just over reacting..."

Walking outside carefully she constantly glanced around her to make sure nobody was trying to sneak up on her. She looked around the wall of the ship, her eyes widening when she heard three horribly familiar voices through the trees. It's only been three months! How did they find her?!

-Hunk: Hey, is that a ship over there?

Pidge ran back into the ship and locked the door. She then ran to the others to wake them up.

Pidge: Keith, wake up...!

Keith groaned and fell back asleep.

Pidge: *whispering* Keith! They found us. We have to get out of here.

Keith's eyes shot open once he understood what she said.

Keith: Now?! We've only been gone for three months!

Pidge: Keith quiet... They're really close they'll hear us... and I was thinking the same thing... but they just saw the ship...

Then there was a muffled bang against the ship outside, followed by muffled voices. Keith frowned and got up. After getting dressed he walked out of the room they slept in without saying a word.

Pidge: Keith...?

-Keith: Is everyone secured...?

Pidge held Marco in her arms and strapped herself to a chair. She then made sure Coran and Lance were safe.

Pidge: Yeah, we're secure.

Pidge heard the humming inside the ship as Keith turned it on.

-Keith: Hold on!

In that same moment, Keith launched the ship off of the ground and into the air. Pidge relaxed a little. It would take them a little bit to get back to their lions, so they'd get a decent head start. Unfortunately they had been prepared for then trying to leave like that, and the blue lion appeared out of the forest chasing them.

Luckily for them Keith was a really good pilot so he maneuvered past the lion rather easily. Then after a little bit Pidge looked out a window and saw all of the lions except Black following them.

Pidge: Keith?! They got new pilots for the lions and they're chasing us!

-Keith: It's okay! Let's not panic right now.

Pidge tried to slow her breathing as Keith sped up. He then flew into a dense forest. The new Paladins had to be stupid to try to go through. So they lost the lions quickly. Pidge let out a sigh of relief. Once Keith thought the coast was clear he flew the ship out of the atmosphere. For just a few moments it seemed calm and peaceful.

Though at this point the idea of not letting something bad happen was non-existent.

-Keith: Oh no...

Pidge: Keith...?

-Keith: Pidge, Shiro's coming towards us! Hide!

Pidge got up and opened a secret door, locking herself in. She brought a blanket inside with her to keep her and Marco warm. The next thing she heard was a loud bang, then silence.

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