Chapter 9.

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The group took the lion and they went to Keith's old house. It was late at night, so they couldn't go to the Garrison then. But all of them spent the night.

Keith: You guys should probably come with us. The Garrison would want to know that we're all alive.

Hunk, Lance, and Shiro nodded in agreement. Coran decided to go just to get a glimpse of what earth was like. And to help the group with their alibi.

It took a little bit to get here, but the group eventually reached the gate to get into the academy.

-Security: Name, please?

Keith: Keith Kogane.

The blinker beeped red, and Keith remembered he was expelled. Pidge walked up and pressed the button for voice sensing.

Pidge: Pidge Gunderson.

The light beeped red, and Pidge tilted her head. However she soon went pale as she realized the Garrison likely figured out who she really was.

So Pidge sighed, and pressed the button again.

Pidge: Katie Holt.

It blinked red again. Pidge rolled her eyes, she always found it annoying that the machine only accepted the professional names, ignoring the name the person really went by.

Pidge: Kathryn Holt.

The light lit up green and the gate opened, when the group walked in, they were eventually greeted by James and a few cadets. Most who saw them either gaped at Shiro and his metal arm, or wondered about the armor that a couple were wearing.

Even more were staring at Keith if they saw through his helmet. And if they recognized him.

The group entered the building, now led by Shiro, and they walked to Commander Iverson's office.

Shiro knocked on the door, when it opened the person behind it stared at the group in shock. It didn't take long for all of them to be brought in front of Iverson and all military personnel. Shiro and Coran were being questioned on what happened. Pidge, Keith, Hunk, and Lance were practically chewed out.

Pidge, Hunk, and Lance because they went out after hours during a potential lockdown situation. Keith was admonished for breaking into the base and getting everyone off of the radar for over five years. Lance quickly interjected.

Lance: Actually, it was the lion that took us off the radar. Not the animal, the ship. It was on autopilot, so none of us were in control. Even if we were, I was the one at the helm.

Admiral Sanda raised her eyebrow as she heard this, and Coran spoke up.

Coran: He's right, these kids found one of the most famous ships in the universe that was hidden on your planet. And when they met us, they found the other four. I can assure you it probably wasn't their intention to fly off like that, usually the Lions go into autopilot once activated in emergency situations.

Admiral Sanda sighed.

Admiral Sanda: Well, that explains part of it. But why haven't we gotten any word from them for five years? Why did they need to be pronounced dead?

Shiro spoke up.

Shiro: I apologize for not giving a status report. But we were a bit preoccupied with a war that was happening. And it was difficult to reach out with the distance.

Coran spoke again as Iverson and Sanda looked at him.

Coran: The Lions were created to spread peace around the universe. They Lions are somewhat sentient, and choose their pilots, they chose these people as their pilots. And as the lions were very necessary to use for the past five, how did you say? Yeeas? Anyway, that was why they were gone without a status report. We apologize for the inconvenience, but I can assure you that their presence up there for so long was for a purpose.

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