Chapter 6.

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Pidge's POV:
I woke up in Keith's arms which was pretty routine at this point, not like it wasn't routine before Keith was thrown out but, still wasn't used to it. I heard Marco crying and picked him up out of his crib starting to feed him.

Pidge: You were probably scared when Lance took you away, weren't you?

Marco let out a tiny peep as I felt a smile carve onto my face.

Pidge: Good thing daddy got there in time right?

Marco: *coo*

I held him close to my chest once he was full and softly pressed my cheek to his tiny forehead.

Pidge: I'm so happy you're still alive...

I smiled at my son's soft movements and the tiny noises he made. Then I heard someone clearing their throat and I looked seeing Lance standing in the doorway. I glared at him and held Marco more protectively.

Lance: Calm down... I won't try to hurt him...

There was obvious truth in his voice but I still couldn't trust him.

Pidge: Why are you back here?

Lance: I want to keep fighting this war, and I don't have anywhere else to go...

Pidge: Oh? Which war are you talking about? The one going on against Zarkon or against us?

Lance: Zarkon of course... I hardly considered this to be a war at all...

Pidge: Alright, then why don't you have anywhere else to go?

Lance: The team knocked me out of the team, I no longer have a place to go but here.

Pidge: What? What are you talking about? Why would they...?

Lance: I told the team that I let you go, since I knew that you just wanted to be left to raise your son, so, they kicked me out...

Pidge: What do you mean they kicked you out? You're not a Galra in fact if I remember a medical examination of yours you're ALTEAN.

Lance: Being a Galra isn't the only way to get kicked off the team Pidge. I got kicked off because I took your side.

I loosened my grip on Marco slightly.

Pidge: But, why though? Why did you take our side? If you were siding with us, what was the point of you taking Marco and almost killing him?

Lance looked down.

Lance: Because once you left I'd finally excepted the fact that I had no chance with you...

My eyes widened, he had feelings for me? Why didn't I notice? Why didn't he tell me sooner, none of this could have happened if he'd told me sooner. Then I saw Coran walk in shocked to see Lance.

Coran: Lance? What are you doing here?

Pidge: The team kicked him out.

Then I remembered that Keith was still asleep during this whole conversation, and I realized that was because it was the middle of the night in the ship.

Pidge: Can... can we talk more about this tomorrow...? I still need some sleep, so do you two... plus Keith should hear some of this...

They both nodded and Coran led Lance to a place where he can sleep, as I put Marco back into his crib and getting back into bed with Keith quickly dosing off.
The Next Morning
Keith and I woke up as I got up and fed Marco sitting on the bed, Keith sat next to me and kissed my cheek making me smile.

Pidge: Hey Keith? Somebody came here last night and he needs to stay here.

Keith: Okay, who is it?

Lance: Hi.

Keith looked up.

Keith: Lance?

Lance: Yeah...

Keith gave him a small but threatening glare telling him not to pull that same trick from earlier.

Keith: What are you doing here?

Pidge: The team kicked him out because he sided with us.

Keith: Right after he tried to kill our son...?

Pidge: Yep pretty much...

Lance looked down. Clearly nervous, embarrassed and guilty.

Lance: I'm really sorry about that... I didn't really know what I was doing and I got it through my head that you just wanted to stay together and keep your baby... I'm sorry...

Keith sighed. I noticed he left the crush part out. Most likely because Keith could possibly get even more pissed at him.

Keith: As long as you don't try anything like that again, it's okay.

Lance: But, I don't think we should stay here...

Pidge: Huh? Why not?

Lance: When the team kicked me out, they were talking like they were going to keep trying to get you. And as long as they know where we are you and your baby are more vulnerable...

Keith: He has a point, but where are we going to go?

Pidge: Well we can't go to Earth, that would be too predictable... would Olkarion be a good option? On one hand it has a good environment for us to live in and has people we're familiar with, but half of the planet is overrun by Galra and the place might be predictable...

The group thought for a moment.

Keith: Maybe...we could try that other planet, I think it was... I can't remember the name but it had that grey grass, a purple sky, and had those fairly edible plants and good water so we can take care of ourselves.

Pidge: Oh Momation?

Keith: Yeah! That's it!

Lance: Sounds good to me, an escape pod would probably be a bad idea though, hey Keith, would they mind if we kept one of their ships? That way we wouldn't have to bother with a shelter?

Keith: Uh, I have one that I'm able to keep as long as I camouflage it so nobody recognizes it. But yeah we could use that. What about beds?

Pidge: Uh... we could take Marco's crib... his blankets and supplies. I think we can use sleeping bags and water bottles.

Keith: Alright, I'll let dad and Coran know, then we'll start packing okay?

Pidge and Lance nodded. Keith walked out to tell Thace, Kolivan and Coran about the new arrangement.

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