"What's that weird guy doing with Jungkook?" Jungkook can hear the boy he remembers to be named Hoseok ask the boy closest to him, that being Jimin. Jimin shrugs his shoulders and the two stare down at the two's arms that are still intertwined with one another.

"Hi, Miss." Jungkook says, and Taehyung reverts back to his usual quiet self; staring down at the ground.

Jungkook removes his arm from around Taehyung's and he steps over to the coat rack, followed closely by Taehyung. He takes off his drenched coat to hang it up, then holds his hand out to take Taehyung's, to which Taehyung grabs his hand instead.

"No, no I need your coat, Taehyung." Jungkook says, chuckling down at their hands.

"Oh...okay." Taehyung says and reluctantly lets go of the younger's hand. He then takes his coat off too, handing it over to him. After Jungkook hangs Taehyung's coat up, he walks over to the circle of chairs.

"You guys are soaking wet! I'm glad you made it in when you did." Jiyoo says."Heard there's gonna be a big storm tonight."

"Yeahh...we were at the indoor ice skating rink before this, and we lost track of time." Jungkook says, and a few of the boys look over at each other in slight shock. "I had no clue it was going to rain tonight."

"That's no problem at all. I'm just hoping you won't get sick! Now please, sit down, sit down. Jimin was just sharing with us about his day." Jiyoo says, putting her hands out to a couple of empty spots, to which Jungkook gives her a bow in thanks.

"Um....J-J-Jungkook..?" Taehyung whispers, looking two and from the only available spots in panic.

"Yes?" Jungkook asks, looking over at him in question.

"Th-the chairs...th-they're t-t-too far...I have t-t-to sit by you.." Taehyung whispers, and Jungkook looks over at the chairs that are a few seats apart.

"Um...well.." Jungkook rubs the side of his arm and he looks over at Jimin, who is sitting next to the seat he is standing nearest to.

"Hi, I know this is kind of awkward, but...I was wondering if..." Jungkook goes quiet for a moment, trying to articulate the right words without sounding rude, but to his surprise, Jimin nods his head without him even having to say a word.

"Yeah, I can move. It's no problem at all." Jimin says with a smile, having overheard what Taehyung had whispered to him.

A relieved smile comes across Jungkook's face and he gives him a small head bow in thanks. "Thank you so much." Jungkook says and Jimin collects his coat and stands up from the chair, allowing Taehyung to resume his spot.

When the two of them sit down, Taehyung scoots his chair as close as he possibly can to Jungkook's - until the two of them are practically leg to leg, arm to arm. It isn't long after they sit down that Jungkook starts to notice a few stares in his direction, and he starts feeling a little bit nervous. "It feels warm in here." Jungkook, mumbles, followed by an awkward chuckle and he pulls on the collar of his black turtleneck sweater.

"Now that everyone's here - Jimin, why don't you continue on with your story today?" Jiyoo says, folding her hands neatly in her lap.

"Oh, okay." Jimin says softly. "Well...my day actually went surprisingly well." Jimin says, fiddling with his fingers in a shy manner. "I reconnected with an old friend today, and we are supposed to go out for lunch tomorrow.."

As Jimin recollects his day, Hoseok leans over to Namjoon and whispers something in his ear, covering the side of his mouth. "It looks like that Jungwhat kid has gotten a little close with that Taewho guy."

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