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my blood was still boiling by the time i'd reached the off white apartment door. i was later than i should have been but i couldn't find a single scrap of remorse despite feeling sure that my siblings would be out of their minds with worry. i slammed the door open, as per, kimmie came rushing towards me, screeching in my ear with happiness and crushing my ribs with the force of her hug.

i stepped backwards fending her off with a cruel shove, "not now kimmie," she let out a murmur of protest, "i mean it."

the small girl blinked sadly and turned away, swallowing hard. sighing, i collapsed on my bed, taking the item out of my pocket, twirling it in the half light. i had taken it from charlie's jacket pocket during the study session. it was a beautiful locket — real silver.

i wanted for the scorn of the trusting caramel haired girl yet i felt none, i turned on my side, frustrated. "get your goddamn act together." yet as i closed my eyes all i could see was the hazel hues of her own gaze.


dumping my bag on my desk, i could practically feel the disapproval coursing from charlie. "don't bother lecturing me — you're not going to make me feel sorry for what i did," i muttered out of the corner of my mouth, staring straight ahead.
"damnit." she sighed.

i sniggered and opened my pencil case, trying to ignore the butterflies assaulting my insides. a screwed up ball of paper landed on my desk, i whipped around to see who was the culprit to no avail; everyone seemed absorbed in their work. warily, i opened it.

you have no idea what you're getting into with the freak, dyke.

all the air seemed to leave my lungs as a blush crawled up my neck. seething with anger i stood up, the note clenched in my fist, "who the hell wrote this?" i demanded. shocked murmurs erupted all across the room but nobody owned up. "coward," i accused while mrs brooks scolded me. i sat back down again, meeting charlie's shocked eyes.

"quit staring," i scowled, "you look like a deer in headlights."

she was silent for the rest of the lesson unlike my whirling thoughts. not for the first time since i'd met charlie, i became sure she was hiding something.


i placed my books in my locker, still consumed in mixed suspicion and worry. a hand slammed inches from my face. auburn hair blocked my vision, dark blue orbs swam in front of my eyes, plump lips drew my attention.

"can i help you?" i asked slowly. the gorgeous girl smiled with the persona of a shark sizing up its next meal.
"no," she opened her red leather bag and took out a mirror, she dabbed at her pale pink lip gloss as she continued, "but you sure can help charlotte."

at my confused expression she beamed again, "oh, she didn't tell you?" i shook my head, bemused.

"well then, let me enlighten you."

sorry it took me so long to update. i'll try do it sooner next time.


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