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"Are you sure I look okay?"

I asked anxiously while Eli rolled her coffee coloured eyes for the millionth time and nodded. I stepped towards the full length mirror and inspected my outfit — a white button down half tucked into pastel blue jeans. My hair was, as per, resting on my shoulders in caramel coloured waves and I had on a little mascara to make my hazel eyes pop. I was pale skinned and lithe due to my running.

"Earth to Charlie," Eli was only person who called me that. "We have to get to school or we'll be late."
I sighed, throwing one last glance at the mirror and following her out of the door.


Entering the school gates I instantly felt uncomfortable—judged. Chewing my thumbnail, I headed to my normal seat near the front of the class and Eli sat protectively next to me. I wanted to tell her not to bother; that nobody would try anything since what happened last year but I kept my mouth shut, secretly glad for her company.

"Why you hanging around with the Freak, Noodles?"

A sly voice reached my ears and I suddenly wanted to sink into the floor and never resurface.
"Believe it or not Carmen," Eli was getting fired up, "Asian people eat other foods but how would you know that after getting brain damage from tripping over your enormous ego?" Carmen opened her mouth to respond but Mrs Chapman chose that moment to walk in the room.

The popular girl slunk back to her seat, fuming.

I let out a shaky breath, turning to thank Eli but my voice died in my throat as Miss took the arm of a girl I'd never seen before. The mysterious female had long black hair and luminous green eyes, rose bud lips and — due to her complexion — looked Spanish. She wore a cropped white tee, a leather jacket and ripped black jeans. A large assortment of bangles clinked at her wrist, she had a nose ring and many ear piercings. My mouth was very dry and my heart was beating very quickly.
"Everyone, this is Taylor Dominguez and she's new this year."


Taylor didn't seem to care, barely looking at any of us and apparently very occupied with picking at her navy nail polish. Mrs Chapman cleared her throat pointedly but the class was still unresponsive.
"Honestly Miss, I don't give a damn about a warm welcome, can you just point me to my seat and I'll be out of your hair," her voice was low and had a Spanish accent. The kindly teacher had a very uncomfortable expression and sighed, adjusting her rectangular glasses. "Well you need to be showed around so I have to assign you a buddy I'm afraid."

I sunk down in my seat, unwilling to have to come into contact with the intimidating newbie. "Charlotte! Why don't you buddy up with Taylor?" The blood rushed to my face as her penetrating gaze turned to me and I mumbled a quick assent before standing and stumbling towards the ebony haired girl. Expressionless, she walked out of class, leaving me to follow.

Once we were out of the stuffy room and in the warm September air Taylor turned to me and placed her hands on her hips, "fuck off Snowflake." I recoiled as though she'd hit me, "b-but I'm meant to show you around..." I stammered lamely.
"Do I look like I give a crap?" She rummaged around in her pockets for a cigarette which — once found — she held to her lips and lit with a sliver lighter. Blowing a cloud of smoke into my face she said, "look, I can show myself around, I don't need you here, so, fuck off Snowflake." Instead of responding appropriately I merely folded my arms, "cigarettes are bad for you, you know."
"Ever heard of lung cancer?"
"Wow. Scary. I'm shaking in my boots."

Torn, I stared at the ground. If I left her on her own like I was aching to do, I might get in trouble, if I made her follow me, she'd be a bitch the whole tour — I was sure of it.
"Just come with me."
"Scared of getting a detention?"
I ignored her, instead frog marching her towards the science block.

We entered the building, the first room I saw was the supply room, full of dangerous chemicals and glass vials. Glancing at Taylor and gouging her troublemaker vibe I strongly decided against taking her inside. Before I could steer her in the right direction, she was opening the door and going inside. I scrambled after her, grasping her leather jacket, "wait!" I yelped, "we're not allowed in there!" She prised my fingers off her arm, "and?"

Sniggering at my worried expression, she examined the bottles of Hydrochloric acid and Sodium Hydroxide. "You really need to start letting loose."
"You really need to start following the rules," I fretted.

Taylor moved in between shelves, taking things off and looking at them before returning them to their original position. The ebony haired girl picked up conical flask and wiped off a smudge with her sleeve. "Carful with that," I tried to take it from her but she stepped backwards and to the left. I spun but as I did so, my backpack took a whole shelf of glass vials with it, they smashed on the floor, sending shards everywhere.

"Shit." I whimpered while Taylor doubled over laughing, "hypocrite!" She cackled. "Keep your voice down!" I hissed, but it was too late. A caretaker had walked inside to see what all the commotion was about to see Taylor and I right at the scene of the crime. My accomplice let her conical flask fall to the ground in front of the horrified man.

"Whoops." She deadpanned.

Credit goes to AngeliclDevil1391 for coming up with Taylor and I may or may not be in love with her. Vote if you enjoyed.

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