Chapter 4: Gute Nacht

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      Today Ludwig had some important business to attend to. Troubling about how he can leave Landon without worrying about the boy's state, he called onto his old friends - Feliciano Vargas and Kiku Honda. He called the two of them to come to his house and watch over Landon for the day while he is gone. Currently, Feliciano, Kiku, and Landon are all hanging out mainly in the living room.

Kiku picked up Landon and brought him back to the living room after his little mishap. While as, Feliciano picked up the papers and art supplies and followed Kiku afterwards. The three of them sat back down on the floor, forming a little circle of some sort. Landon took a piece paper and some crayons. "Draw!" He uttered out. Feliciano and Kiku were surprised that he suddenly spoke, considering that earlier he mentioned that he couldn't. Kiku, being the smarter one, has come to the conclusion that Landon may have a problem with speaking - in which he was correct. The boy was dyslexic after all.

Feliciano and Kiku smiled nonetheless as they joined in. They grabbed a piece of paper and a pencil, joining in with drawing. Feliciano decided to draw some tomatoes - because why not. While as Kiku started to draw some anime. Though he didn't want the other two to know what he was drawing since he is still a bit abashed by the ever-so popular pop culture of anime in his land.

Yet suddenly.. "Hey Kiku, what're you drawing?" Feliciano leaned in to see what he's drawing. Kiku freaked out and held the drawing close to his chest. "..Y-Yes...I-I mean no..! I-I mean.. W-What? What anime....??"

Feliciano looked at the flustered Kiku, confused. Landon was the same as the Itallian. He got a little startled by Kiku suddenly freaking out like that after all.

Kiku blushed lightly in an absent-minded manner. He flipped the paper around to use the blank back side of the paper. "L-Let's just continue drawing, alright?" He uttered, immediately changing the subject. Feliciano shrugged it off. "..Alright then. Whatever you say, Kiku." He responded, dismissively. Looking over to Landon next. "How about you, Landon? What're you drawing?"

Landon proudly showed his with a bright smile plastered on his face. It was a drawing of him and Ludwig together with the three dogs. It was a little hard to make out since he doesn't exactly know how to draw but it was still very cute nonetheless. Feliciano smiled as Kiku was the same when he took a peek too. "Wow, that's a very nice drawing Landon!" Feliciano praised. Kiku agreed, "Yeah. Are you planning to give that to Mr. Rudwig (Ludwig) when he comes back?"

Landon nodded happily. "I'm sure he'd love it, Landon!" Feliciano praised once more as he pat the boy's head. Landon giggled a little for the first time too. "I wonder if Ludwig's ever heard him talk before or it's only us who have." Feliciano added in.

. . .

Night falls and Ludwig has finally gotten home. Ludwig walked into the house. "Feliciano? Kiku? Are you guys still in here?"

"Oh, hey Ludwig!" Feliciano jerked his head from the kitchen-dining area. The three of them already decided to eat dinner together since Ludwig seemed to take too long. Ludwig walked to where they were at. He found Kiku and Landon sitting by the table together. "Konichiwa, Mr. Rudwig (Ludwig). I see that you have finally returned." Said Kiku. While as Landon happily waved.

"Ja. I'm sorry for arriving later than I have assumed. Something came up." Ludwig explained as he lead Kiku and Feliciano out to the door for it was time for them to leave. "It's alright, Ludwig! We had lots of fun with Landon today too!" Said Feliciano. "Yeah. We also discovered something new about him." Kiku added in.

"Oh really? What is that discovery?" Ludwig asked.

"I'm not sure if you already know this, but Landon can actually talk." Feliciano answered. Ludwig's eyes widened, surprised at Feliciano's statement. "Wait.. What? Talk??"

"..You haven't heard him talk either?" Kiku asked.

Ludwig sighed as he answered with a simple, "No, I can't say I have.."

"Well, I'm sure you'd get a chance to hear him talk again. Bye Ludwig!" Said Feliciano before he left with Kiku. Ludwig was still rather surprised. Landon suddenly talking for the first time is like listening to a baby's first words. Though he can nothing about that now. What happened already happened.

He sighed once more as he locked the door. As he did so, there was Landon by his legs. He crouched down and pat his head. "Did you enjoy your time with Feliciano and Kiku today?"

Landon nodded happily.

Ludwig picked up Landon and brought him to the bathroom. "Well, time for bath then." He announced. He put Landon in the bath tub and twisted the tap to let water fill up the tab. Afterwards, he decided to leave Landon for a moment. He took off his coat and hanged it by the doorknob for now. He then pulled up the sleeves of his long-sleeved blouse. After he has done so, perfect timing - the tub was already filled with water. And so, he gave Landon a bath.

. . .

After the bath, Ludwig dried Landon off and changed his clothes. After doing so, Landon yawned a bit as his eyes became a bit droopy. Well, it was his bed time anyway. Ludwig sighed as he wrapped his arms around the boy and carried him to his room. As he did so, he decided to sing him a lullaby to help him fall asleep easily.

"..Schlaf ein... Schlaf ein.. Schlaf ein.. Du gähnst schon, komm' kuschel' dich ein ​​​​​​.. Ich sing' dir noch ein Lied,
Ich freu' mich so, dass es dich gibt.. "

Ludwig then put Landon in his bed, as he continued to sing. " Ich wünsch' dir eine gute Nacht
Wir seh'n uns wenn wieder die Sonne lacht. ​​​​​"

Before finishing up the song, he tucked Landon in to bed, covering him with his soft and comfy blanket. " Schlaf' ein, schlaf' ein, schlaf' ein,
Ich lieben dich, schlaf jetzt ein."

After doing so, something caught his attention. It was a drawing by Landon's bed side table. It was the drawing Landon made earlier for him. It was a little hard to admit, but it really warmed Ludwig's heart. It really did put a smile on his face.

"Ich lieben dich, schlaf jetzt ein.." 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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