Chapter 3: Other Friends

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  It was a new morning. The sun was shining. Birds were singing. Flowers were blooming. It surely was a beautiful day outside. You know, I, as the narrator, really do wonder why the parts about the birds and the flowers are put in as Itallic... Hm, maybe it's meant to be another reference to something? The author loves putting a bunch of references in his books after all!

Anyway, back to the story - A few months have passed ever since Landon's arrival. Ludwig has gotten a bit used to Landon, and Landon was the same to Ludwig. Today Ludwig had some personal business to attend to, but of course - he can't bring Landon to where he's going. Eating breakfast with the boy, he stared at him as he pondered on what he can do. Landon noticed this awkward staring so he tilted his head a little in confusion. "..It's nothing, just go back to eating your breakfast." Ludwig responded. Landon was still a bit baffled but he did as he was told, going back to munch on the delicious that was prepared for him by Ludwig.

As Ludwig continued to eat his own, he continued to ponder some more; thinking about how he can attend to his business without having Landon left alone. He's just a little kid who has dyslexia. Of course he can't be left alone. "..Or maybe he can be.." Ludwig thought to himself. "He's a well-behaved little Junge after all.. Ja, leaving him would be fine.."

Yet suddenly his pondering was abruptly interrupted by Landon who started coughing a little from drinking some water.

"...Or maybe not.." Ludwig thought to himself once more. He sighed as he watched Landon drinking from his little cup.

. . .

After breakfast, Ludwig got ready. Changing his clothes in his bedroom, though of course he still thought about Landon. He's about to leave yet he still hasn't thought of a proper solution after all. He was thinking about somebody to babysit him for awhile while's he's gone, but who?

And there he thought the two perfect men for the job. Who else but his old friends... Kiku and Feliciano.

As he finished with changing his clothes into a more formal suit, he took his phone from his desk and called on Feliciano. He muttered out a sigh as he listened to the ringing of the phone, awaiting for Feliciano to answer.

And a few moments later, he heard: "Hello?"

"Oh, Feliciano. It's me Ludwig. Are you free today?"

"Yeah, why? What do you need, Ludwig?"

"I.. Need you to take care of the kinder (child) for me. I have some business to attend to and I can't leave him alone here in the house. Can you maybe fill in for me?"

"Sure, Ludwig. Of course!"

Ludwig smiled. "Thank you Feliciano. I'll call Kiku and see if he can also come over."

"Alright then. I'll come over there right away! See you soon!" And with that, Feliciano then ended the call. After so, Ludwig then continued to call Kiku and asked the same thing. Of course, Kiku agreed to come help Feliciano. Ludwig was pretty happy to receive a positive outcome to his idea.

He finished preparing this things and went downstairs upon all was done. Ambling into the living room, there he finds Landon sitting on the floor, playing with the dogs. Ludwig went over to him and knelt down on one knee. "I need to go and take care of something but there will be some people who will watch over you for the time being, so don't misbehave and do be good alright?"

Landon nodded with a little smile.

And just in time, the doorbell rang. "Oh, that must be them." Ludwig uttered.

He walked over to the door, twisting the shiny door knob to open it. And there he was greeted with the presence of his old pals - Kiku and Feliciano.

"Herro (Hello) there, Mr. Rudwig (Ludwig). We have arrived herp (help) you with babysitting."Kiku bowed down, being the immensely polite and rather stern person he is. While as Feliciano flashed a bright smile. "Ciao!"

Ludwig was happy to see the two again. "Thank you for coming here. I really appreciate it. Please, come inside." He stepped out of the way to let the two enter into his home; in which the two did. "So, where's the little guy?" Feliciano asked, as Ludwig closed the door momentarily.

"He's just playing in the living room." Ludwig answered as he guided the two there.

Landon was still at his place from earlier. Playing in with the dogs still. Feliciano squealed. "Aww, he's so cute! It's great that we finally get to meet you.......uh-" Feliciano's praise what abruptly cut to a pause due to him not even knowing his name. "Landon," Ludwig helped him out. "Yeah, there we go! It's nice to finally meet you, Landon!"

Landon, who were unaware of who Feliciano and Kiku are, backed away in fear. Ludwig knelt down to his height again as he wrapped the little boy in his arms. "It's okay. There's no need to be scared of them. They're the ones I told you about." He explained to the little boy. Feliciano sat down beside Landon. "Yeah, don't be scared. We're going to be your new friends!"

Landon felt at ease, seeing Feliciano's amiable personality. He then smiled at him because of so. Ludwig was pretty happy to see that being sorted out. After explaining a few things to Feliciano and Kiku, he took his leave and let everything else be handled by the two of them from then on during his absence.

Feliciano took Landon's little hands and smiled brightly at him. "This is going to be fun, don't you think?" Landon nodded with another smile. While as Kiku followed Feliciano and sat on the floor as well, observing Landon the best he can. "He doesn't seem like he can talk." Kiku stated.

"Oh yeah, I guess you're right." Feliciano agreed. The two of them stared at Landon to ponder more about him. Landon got a little scared from all the staring. "Prease (Please) do terr (tell) us. Can you speak?"

Landon paused momentarily before shaking his head. "Aww poor little guy! He can't talk!" Feliciano whined as he hugged Landon, all of a sudden. Landon almost had the same stupefied reaction Kiku always gives out whenever Feliciano does the same to him. Kiku looked at Landon and it really looked like he was uncomfortable but at the same time, he didn't want to resist either. "...Poor Randon (Landon)..." Kiku thought to himself, feeling a little guilty for not being able to help him.

And so, instead of directly trying to stop Feliciano, he decided to change the topic. "Anyway, what should we do for the time being?"
He spoke up, which thankfully made Feliciano stop smothering Landon with love, all of a sudden. Feliciano shrugged as he asked: "I don't know. How about you Landon?"

Landon climbed out of Feliciano's embrace and then began walking over to a different room. "...Wait, where is he going?" Kiku asked. "Should we go follow him...?" Feliciano asked too, confused as well. But after a few moments, the boy came back with some pieces of paper and some art supplies; such as a box of crayons and some pencils. He got excited to draw with Feliciano and Kiku so he ended up scampering back to them. Though in the process, he ended up tripping and faceplanting on the floor. Dropping everything he was carrying and having it spread all over on the floor. Kiku and Feliciano freaked out upon seeing this. And so, the two of them ran up to him in a rather immediate manner.

Kiku helped Landon get up on his feet. "Are you okay?" He asked, worried. Landon nodded simply. Feliciano and Kiku sighed in relief. If something happened to him then Ludwig would surely be mad and disappointed in them. Especially in Kiku, knowing that he is a very diligent guy.

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