Chapter 1: A New World

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It has been a few weeks after the meeting. Ludwig lived his life as he'd normally would. On the note about the little nation, Ludwig has told his boss about this and so now the two are still waiting on the day when this mysterious new nation will be turned over to them. Alfred has been keeping them updated about what's happening during the search as promised though it seems like this hunt would be more harder than they thought.

But during this project, they've found a way to entrap the little guy. He's quick to run away which is the reason why he can never be easily caught, but his weaknesses are his loneliness and hunger. He's lost and homeless. According to Alfred's sources, the little boy is always found near bushes and trees. So today, their plan is to deceive him of an apple then trap him in a cage - apparently.

Alfred and his team prepared their equipment hiding behind some bushes near the boy. Alfred took out some binoculars and took a look at the boy. He was caught trying to eat.... a flower? Alfred surely was weirded out upon seeing what the young nation was trying to do but he didn't really mind it. He looked back to his team. "You guys got the cage and the apple ready?"

The team responded positively, meaning everything is set and ready. "Alright, operation finally catch that little thing and bring it to Ludwig and maybe think of a shorter name for this operation cause this is just really obnoxiously long for some reason... is a go!" Alfred exclaimed.

((Anyone noticed the reference in what America just said?))

An American then nodded as he threw an apple over to the boy. Though little does the victim know that the apple is actually tied to some sort of string leading back to Alfred and his team, where a cage was perfectly placed to capture him. Upon noticing the apple, the little boy's stomach growled a little. And so, of course, he tried his best to grab the apple. But for some reason, the apple keeps moving away from him. And so, he follows it in an idiotic manner. Until the apple was thrown into the cage. The boy's eyes glimmered as he saw the apple once more; with the thought that he may finally get it. Idiotically, he ran into the cage to get the apple whereas he got caught and was trapped in the cage. The team of Americans emerged from the bushes from their hiding place. "Alright! We finally caught him!!" Alfred exclaimed, victoriously. "Good work guys!" All the Americans then rejoiced, their days of tirelessly chasing around a kid is finally over.

"Wait, hold on sir.. Isn't it a bit cruel that we just caged up a toddler?" An American speaks up. As he said so, a loud cry rang out from the cage. The boy sobbed horrendously as he held the fresh and juicy red apple in his little hands. It certainly was not a pleasant sound to anybody. Not at all..

"Fine! Let's just take him out of the cage! I can't take this anymore!!" Alfred yelled out, trying to make his voice louder from all this screaming. The American who was holding the cage did as he was told and pulled out the little boy. Though the noises lowered, the boy was still crying. He munched on the apple as tears kept streaming down his cute little cheeks. "I'll just carry the kid," said Alfred. And so, the boy was then handed over to him.

He carried the little boy in his arms as they began walking. "Shh, no need to cry. Just eat your apple. Everything's going to be okay." Alfred cooed him. The little boy did suddenly go quiet as he began munching on the apple, still being a bit teary-eyed though. Alfred took a good look at him, scrutinizing his appearances. The boy had short messy cream-coloured hair along with a pair of light wisteria-coloured eyes. He wore a rather dirty white long-sleeved shirt and little dark blue grey shorts. His feet were utmost dirty for he was actually barefooted. "Yeah, you're going to need a bath before we hand you over to Ludwig..." As Alfred said that, he managed to smell the horrific stench the little boy was emitting from his body. "Eugh! You definitely need a bath!!" Alfred added.

. . .

Before the boy was turned over to Ludwig, Alfred brought him back to his place to give him a thorough bath. To Alfred's surprise, the boy didn't resist to get in the bath tub unlike how he thought he would. The boy enjoyed the bath, even. Alfred also gave him some fresh clothes to start with after he dried the kid off. And afterwards, gave him another apple. Because apparently, he just really likes apples.

Alfred sighed in relief after everything that he's done. He pulled out his phone from his pockets and called Ludwig.

"Ja? What do you want, Alfred?" He hears. "Yo dude, I just wanted to update you again about the kid. I finally caught him at last." Alfred answers.

"Really? That's wunderbar (wonderful)!"

"Yeah, I already gave him a bath and a new outfit. He smelled like he's been rolling around in a dumpster.."

"Is that so? Well thank you for already doing so, Alfred. I assume he'd finally be turned over to me, ja?"

"Mhm. I'd be dropping him off there at your place soon."

"Alright, danke (thank you) Alfred."

After that rather short conversation, Alfred then hanged up and looked outside the window, overlooking his backyard, where the little boy was at. The newborn country was playing with, what it seems like, a bunch of ducks he found. Alfred smiled at him as he walked out into the backyard. "Hey, it's time to go!" He called out. During the short time they were both together, they managed to get along pretty well.

The boy turned his head over to Alfred as he smiled. He ran up to Alfred, holding a duck in his hands.

"Uh, you wanna bring your little friend too?" Alfred asked him. The boy nodded with a little smile. "Alright then. Not sure if Ludwig would allow other pets. But I'm sure he wouldn't mind. He owns a pet dog anyway."

. . .

Ludwig waited by the door of his home. Simply reading a book as he awaited the arrival of Alfred and the child he will take care off. After a few hours, he finally heard a knock on his door. "Ah, that must be Alfred," he said to himself. And as expected, it was. "Hey dude!!" Alfred exclaimed, obnoxious as can be.

"Hallo (Hello) Alfred." Ludwig greeted. Looking down, he saw the little boy. The small nation was looking up to him. Clear fear in his light wisteria eyes. Ludwig did sort of expect for the boy to look like that the first time he'd be meeting him. "Anyway, here you are," says Alfred, picking up the boy and handing him over to Ludwig. The little boy looked rather petrified as he held the duck from earlier close to his chest.

"Yeah, he's just gotta get used to you.. I'm sure he'd be fine soon." Alfred stated. "Oh, by the way, is it alright he keeps the duck? He was playing around with it earlier at my place then when I called for him, he just kinda kept the duck. Hope you don't mind that, dude."

"It's alright. As long there won't be much trouble, then it's fine." Ludwig replied to him.

"Well, okay then. I'll be on my way." And with that Alfred began to walk away. He waved goodbye to the two. "See ya Ludwig, and see you little dude!"

The little boy cried out to Alfred, being a bit attached to him but Alfred calmed him down before continuing to leave.

Ludwig closed the door after walking back in the house once Alfred left. "Alright then, little Junge (boy). Welcome to your new home."

He put the little boy down on the floor to let him explore around the house. And so, that's what he did. Taking little steps, he cautiously walked around the house, hugging his duck. Ludwig followed him as he did. Then something then came to his mind.

Does the boy even have a name? 

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