Chapter 2: Hello, How Are You?

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       It really has been an awkward experience for both the young nation and Ludwig after Alfred dropped him off. Ludwig doesn't know anything about him, and the boy doesn't seem like much for talking. Ludwig isn't much of a guy for banters either so he doesn't exactly know how to deal with this. The little country didn't seem to be totally mindless. Ludwig understood well that there is a lot of things for the boy to take in right now. From getting kidnapped basically, to being brought away to some place unfamiliar to him, and forcing him to live with a person who he doesn't even know. It's dark, yes. But it's somewhat for his greater good. But of course, he can't really understand that yet.

Ludwig pondered for a moment as he watched over the young country who was simply walking around the living room with the duck still tuck in his hands. "..Gilbert is always pretty good with kids. What would he do at a time like this?" He thought to himself. Of course, recalling some memories with his deceased - no, "retired" brother; as they like to call it, stirred up some negative emotions inside the German. Although he tried his best to keep his composure. Afterwards, he then thought of maybe gaining the trust of this little one by asking him some questions and what-not. "Ja, that should work!" He thought to himself.

The German ambled to the boy and crouched down to his size. "Hey, would you maybe like a snack?" He asked for starters. "How about we get to know each other for some pretzels?"

The boy didn't really have anything else to reply, so he simply nodded with a smile. Though the silence from him is already making Ludwig judge that this newborn nation he's going to be taking care of from now on may be a mute. Either that, or he's just too shy to talk; even though he really wasn't shy with raping everybody's ears with wailing his lungs out all of a sudden.

Anyhow, Ludwig guided the little boy to the kitchen-dining area. After carrying him over to a seat, he took out some pretzels and offered some to the little country. The boy, who was mostly hungry still, didn't hesitate at all to take one. He was starving ever since he was born after all. Ludwig was rather pleased to see the boy's approach to the pretzels. Seeing this as a good start to their growing relationship with each other. Ludwig sat beside the boy as he watched him eat. It was a rather adorable sight to see. Though the boy was eager to munch on the pretzel he held in his little hands, he still shared the pretzel with his duck, despite the fact that Ludwig has laid out quite a few more pretzels and not only one - because that would just be cruel.

Afterwards, Ludwig decided to start this off with asking some simple questions that he had in mind earlier. "So, tell me. What's your name?"

Although for some reason, the boy just looked at Ludwig and somewhat shook his head. Ludwig was baffled at his response. "What are you trying to tell me? You don't have a name?"

The boy shook his head again.

"I suppose not..." Ludwig concluded. Well, this surely became more awkward. He heaved out a sigh. "How about I give you a name then? How about that sound?"

The boy just nodded again with a little smile, munching on some more pretzels. It surely reminded him of Kiku's personality somewhat. "Alright then. Hmm... What kind of name suits a little Junge (boy) like you..?" Ludwig muttered under his breath. "Lan...Lando.. Landon?"

The boy just looked at him with a smile. "Oh, you like that name?" Ludwig asked. The boy nodded once more. "Alright then.. Landon.. Landon Maverick.. Yeah, that seems like a nice name for you. Right..?.....Landon..?"

((Just a quick note.. Landon's 'country name' is Landorhania))

Landon seem to be happy with the name that was given to him. Very happy. It brought joy to Ludwig that Landon was happy. His plan was back on track. Things seem to be getting better unlike earlier, when everything gone more awkward due to Landon actually not having a name a few moments ago. Throughout the day, the two spent their time to get to know each other. It was a nice experience for the two. Although the reason as of why Landon doesn't talk is still yet to be discovered.

There are many things that Ludwig is still yet to discover about this strange boy but at least he's covered some basic information about him. At the end of the day, the two had to sleep. Before Landon's arrival, Ludwig already prepared everything to accommodate to Landon's basic needs. It seemed like a rough decision, but Ludwig had to turn Gilbert's old room into Landon's new one.

Landon was overly joyous when he discovered the room. It may not be seen by his words, but that expression on his face says everything. Even the duck enjoyed it. Landon ran around the room, exploring everything as if he's hit a jackpot on an expedition - finding a hidden treasure room of some sort. Though the room wasn't excactly much, it was still a treasure to Landon. Ludwig was glad to see that Landon is already becoming more open to him, little by little. It's progress.

Although there was a bit of a problem with Ludwig's pet dogs: Aster, Blackie, and Berlitz. Seeing how Landon is unfamiliar to them. But matters were settled by Ludwig. And the dogs seemed to take a liking of Landon as time passes, and as well as Landon's pet duck. They can't harm the duck in any sort of way after all; or else it will break Landon's heart. And of course, nobody wants that to happen.

As days pass by, everything has been going good for the two. Upon observation, Ludwig has also noticed that Landon is rather dyslexic which is why he has some trouble speaking, which is why he often chooses not to. It was a pain for Ludwig to find out that Landon was dyslexic but besides, he's dealt with worse from spending some years with Feliciano. Despite of still getting rather stressed with Feliciano's stupidity, he's gotten a bit used to it. At least Landon is a somewhat different case. It's not like he'd be throwing grenades at the age of five or something..

Firstly, Ludwig planned to teach Landon more about military and how to be a good leader, but it seems like he would be forced to take another turn on his plan on how he will raise Landon as his own. Though a minor setback, their relationship is still growing to say the least.

Every day is an interesting experience for the two of them. There are often some minor conflicts due to their different personalities but Ludwig's got everything handled, always being faced with more worse people; such as Feliciano - and sometimes Lovino. Landon has also grown to be fond of German cuisines, especially pretzels. Though he still often picks to eat apples and berries. Alfred does refer to him as "Apple Boy" anyway.

Throughout the days, Ludwig did feel quite happy as he spent most of his time with Landon. There are times where he had some problems with his schedule, but like Kiku has stated back in the United Nations meeting, he is capable to smartly think things out.

Slowly but surely, Ludwig has made some good progress on gaining Landon's trust and as well as helping him out with his disability. Their relationship has been growing continously every single day. Although of course, he's also been reporting some things about Landon to his superiors. 

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